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Looking for Best 2D Bar Code package for SAP Crystal Reports 2016

I am looking to find and recommend for purchase the best package or product to create 2D bar codes in SAP Crystal Reports 2016. I am looking for something easy to use, cost-effective, and prints quickly for many/few labels on data matrix printers. We also print bar codes on pick lists. I am trying to determine whether the 2D Native Bar Code Generator or the 2D Universal Bar Code Font and Encoder Suite is best. We need more than one 2D font including PDF417, Data Matrix, and QR. Currently, the Crystal Reports we use contain 3 of 9 and some Azalea 128 bar codes. I am a software developer representing a medium-sized, Oracle-based, plastics company running on Linux/Windows with multiple plant sites nearing 100 printers; regular and label printers.

Application: SAP Crystal Reports 2016

01-24-19     5.9 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Thanks for following up. The 2D Native Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports is certainly an excellent product but for customers in Oracle environments, we tend to recommend the font-based solution instead. Further, the font-based solution tends to function a bit better at high printing volumes.

However, if you would like to try the Native product to determine whether it will work, you are more than welcome to do so. We offer a static demo for testing but many customers also do opt to purchase a single-user license for testing and then upgrade to the developer license after their testing is complete. This would be a more affordable option and so it is certainly something you may want to try before moving forward with the font-based solution.

Posted 5.9 year(s) ago

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Thanks. Nathan.

One follow-up question. A colleague of mine pointed out that ID Automation shows Native Barcode Generator as a recommended integration solution with Crystal reports. Can you comment on this discrepancy between your recommendation and what is posted on your website? Thanks. RenHoll

Posted 5.9 year(s) ago

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Thanks for considering IDAutomation for your barcoding needs! Based on the information you provided I would certainly recommend our 2D Universal Barcode Font and Encoder Suite. This s a font-based package that includes Crystal Formulas to encode your data. Then, when you apply the font to the field where the encoded data lives, a readable barcode displays. While the 2D Native Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports is an excellent product, it can operate a bit slower at higher volumes than the 2D Universal Barcode Font and Encoder Suite. As such, I would recommend the font-based package.

Based on your intended usage information, I would suggest going with the Developer License. This is going to allow the rights of one developer to work with the product in addition to use in a server or multi-server / ERP environment with anywhere from 1 to 10,000 total users. I'm not able to list pricing information here on the forum since it is subject to change, but I can provide you with a license recommendation and a purchase URL that you can click to select the license and find your pricing.

Item: IDA91
Description: 2D Universal Barcode Font and Encoder Suite
License: Developer
Price: (visit purchase URL)
Purchase URL:

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Posted 5.9 year(s) ago

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