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DataTypes for 2D .NET DLL Parameters:
AztecBarcode.FontEncode(string DataToEncode, bool ProcessTilde,int ErrorCorrectionLevel, bool ReadInitialization)
• DataToEncode is the data to format as the barcode.
• ProcessTilde encodes functions(tabs, returns, and GS1).
• ErrorCorrection creates a larger symbol that can withstand more damage.
• ReadInitialization adds the initialization symbol to the barcode.
DataMatrixBarcode.FontEncode(string DataToEncode, bool ProcessTilde,IDAutomation.Windows.Forms.DataMatrixBarcode.EncodingModes em, PreferredFormats pf)
• DataToEncode is the data to format as the barcode.
• ProcessTilde encodes functions(tabs, returns, and GS1).
• EncodingModes em sets Text, ASCII, C40, or BASE256 encoding for data.
• Preferred Format sets the size of Data Matrix
PDF417Barcode.FontEncoder(string DataToEncode, int EccLevel, int NumColumns, int NumRows, bool Truncate, PDF417Modes PDFMode, bool ApplyTilde)
• DataToEncode is the data to format as the barcode.
• EccLevel creates a larger symbol that can withstand more damage.
• NumColumns sets the amount of columns for a PDF417 barcode.
• NumRows sets the amount of rows for a PDF417 barcode.
• Truncate removes the right side of the barcode for efficiency.
• [link url=h]PDFMode[/link] sets the encoding mode to Binary or Text.
• ApplyTilde encodes functions(tabs and returns).
QRCodeBarcode.FontEncode(string DataToEncode, bool ProcessTilde, IDAutomation.Windows.Forms.QRCodeBarcode.EncodingModes EncMode, Versions Version, ErrorCorrectionLevels ECLevel)
• DataToEncode is the data to format as the barcode.
• ProcessTilde encodes functions(tabs and returns).
• EncodingModes sets the encoding mode for QR Code.
• Version sets the size of the symbol.
• ECLevel creates a larger symbol that can withstand more damage.
Posted 10.5 year(s) ago