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Regarding my ISBT 128 component support case

Why did your support team just provide me an answer "drop-down menu on the purchase page"?

Why not just tell me the price for the component? So where is the drop-down menu on the purchase page? I cannot see any drop-down menu on the purchase page.

Very sad from such a support team. Wasting my time creating another support case!!!

07-15-16     8.5 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

The ISBT 128 barcode symbology is an international standard based on the Code 128 Barcode. ISBT 128 barcodes begin with an equal '=' or ampersand '&' character, which is referred to as the first of two characters that make up the data identifier. If the second character of the data identifier is a non-alpha-numeric character of 1-9, A-N, or P-Z, the symbol type is a Donation Identification Number and the second data identifier character is also the first character of the data content. When using IDAutomation barcode products, data identifiers should be static data (or a constant) that is appended to the dynamic data before encoding. Encoding should be done in the Code 128 barcode type with the default "auto" character set enabled, which is the default on all IDAutomation products. Please refer to the ISBT 128 Standard Technical Specification located at for complete specifications.

This purchase URL will populate the price depending on the license option that best fits your organization:

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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Since it's been a week since the last correspondence, I am closing this thread. Please respond with the data you are encoding and what part of the ISBT Specs you are needing in an email to Contact Us if you are interested in moving forward.

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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It wouldn't be a demo, it would be the actual product that they will guarantee to work. It would be just the barcode and the Human Readable underneath. Because there are many options for the ISBT specifications, they would like to know exactly what data you are encoding and what part of the ISBT Specs you are needing.

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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Yes, that is what we want to have ISBT 128 barcode generator with the demo. If possible a demo in for the web system. I want to use it in our .net web system.

I would like to confirm with my customer regarding your request to pay first before we can see the demo. So we have to pay $590 to buy the component license and you will take a week to prepare the demo, am I right?

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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Speaking to our support team, we could generate a new option using ASPX scripting specifically designed for ISBT 128 generation. However, before they begin, they do need a commitment that you would be buying at least a Developer License for $590 and they can have this completed by the end of the week. This will generate the barcode and the human-readable portion below the barcode as in the example located at

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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I have downloaded this demo but it is just a dll and help file. There is no demo system to prove the ISBT 128 barcode generation. I need to show my customer that you have such a barcode component before we can buy. Do you have a better demo that we can run? Perhaps you may provide me with the demo steps on how I can generate the ISBT 128 barcode.

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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You may download the demo from

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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Do you have a demo to generate the ISBT 128 barcode?

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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Yes, as stated previously, ISBT 128 is created using the Code 128 symbology.

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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do you mean we can use your idautomation code 123 barcode type to generate isbt 128?

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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Is the license includes ISBT 128 barcode? I am not able to find the barcode in the demo.

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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I'm sorry that you are disappointed with the response, but as you did not indicate how many developers and/or users you will have working with the component, we cannot provide a definitive amount. The prices populate when you make your selection.

Purchase URL:

I hope this helps. If you have any additional questions, please let me know.

Posted 8.5 year(s) ago

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