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Native generator is stripping off the needed space at the end of barcode (check character)

I created an Access database to print labels using the Access Native Datamatrix Generator. The module is stripping off the check character when it is a space. I corrected most issues using the Text to capture the actual text as scanned but that does not seem to work with the generator.

Operating System: Win 10 pro

Application: Access

11-16-16     8.2 year(s) ago    

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What code is calculating the MOD43? We do not have this code in our Data Matrix.

If you are using custom code or code that you have created, you might have to run a check on the check digit. If the check digit is a space replace it with ~d032 so that it is added to your data before it is encoded in the barcode.

Posted 8.2 year(s) ago

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That worked!!!!!!!! Thanks.

To answer your question, yes we wrote a simple code to calculate the Mod43 that does a table lookup to get the corresponding character.

To test your solution I turned on Apply Tilde and temporarily added the ~d032 in the table at the back end of the barcode and it created the Data Matrix barcode correctly (with space as a check character). I will add a simple If Then, looking for a space and substitute the space with the ~d032 (or strip the space off and add ~d032).

Thanks again.

Posted 8.2 year(s) ago

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Thanks for your response. To explain some more, In my program, I have a table with the barcode values. I have a report with the barcode on it (a text box assigned the name txtIDAutomationBC1, it has a control source that is the field name "ItemNumBC" from the table). When I print I call the barcode module as explained in the IDAutomation documentation with a check to see if the textbox is full or not:

If Len(txtIDAutomationBC1) > 0 Then
result = IDAutomation_NatG_DataMatrix(txtIDAutomationBC1, Me)
result = ""
Exit Sub
End If

If I msgbox txtIDAutomationBC1 before it calls the module I get the barcode with the space. Note the space is only a space if the Mod 43 check character value equals a space (rare but can happen) so it is not always a space. It seems to be inside the module that the space is being stripped off. I'm familiar with the Apply Tilde but I'm not sure where I would add your ~d032 to the field and if this would occur for all or if would I need a check to see if it is a space and if so add the ~d032 to it before calling the module.

Posted 8.2 year(s) ago

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The Native Generator for Access can encode spaces. However, the issue is most likely related to the field design since space is the last character. You may have to modify the field settings or encode a "~d032" where you need the space to appear (at the end of the data). When encoding ~d###, you must also enable ApplyTilde/ProcessTilde.

Posted 8.2 year(s) ago

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Sorry about the confusion. It is the HIBC format (Health Industry) which uses the DataMatrix Barcode with its own designations. M633 is the labeler code, K907006 is the part number, the next number 7 designates the unit of measure id and the space is a Mod43 check character.

The barcode information is: "+M633K9070067 " (without quotes, quotes help see the space at the end)
The human-readable text below the barcode adds asterisks: *+M633K9070067 *

Posted 8.2 year(s) ago

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Attach the barcode and the data that you are using to this chat or to Contact Us. What barcode type are you creating? Data Matrix does not include a check character.

Posted 8.2 year(s) ago

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