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Achieving a Specific XDimension

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We are using the IDAutomation Dynamic Barcode Generator to create QR-Code barcodes for our labels.

The expectation is that the barcode’s X dimension should read 30 MILs approximately.

We are constructing the URL to generate a barcode image (we tried using the X=0.075 parameter to achieve 30 MILs):

The barcode verifier shows an X dimension of 20.8 MILs. Can you suggest a resolution?

Application: Oracle Bi Publisher

09-15-15     9.4 year(s) ago    

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[Support Note: To avoid sensitive customer data from posting, client sent information via email.]

1. X dimension is the width of the narrowest space or bar of a barcode. If one changes the size of a barcode from its original size, the X dimension will change as well.

At full size (and at a typical screen resolution of 96 dots per inch), the barcode image below reads an X dimension of 33 MILS (approximately). It was generated using the original example (the X= parameter has been replaced by M=30):


2. The next step will be for your team to generate a barcode image (targeting a specific X dimension at a calculated size), following the Achieving a Precise X-Dimension guide.

Posted 9.4 year(s) ago

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Remove the X= parameter mentioned and try using the M=30 parameter.

Posted 9.4 year(s) ago

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I have tried with an X parameter value greater than 0.076, but it is not yielding the expected result:
• When X is set to 0.075, the X dimension is seen as 20.8 MILs.
• When X is increased to 0.099, the X dimension is seen as 21.4 MILs.

Please suggest what can be done in these cases. Are there any other parameters that affect the X parameter?

Posted 9.4 year(s) ago

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Referencing the Conversion Table & Specifications instructions, if a minimum of 30 MILS needs to be achieved, set the X Dimension QR Code parameter (X=) at a value (in centimeters) greater than 0.076 (30 MILS X 0.00254 = 0.076).

For example, setting X=0.078 in the above example achieves an X Dimension greater than 30 MILS:


Posted 9.4 year(s) ago

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