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IMPB barcode issue, the 2nd FNC1 was omitted.


I'm trying to convert an old VFP form I created to comply with IMPB. I am using an older version of the Linear ActiveX control and have read the requirements to encode the data however the USPS states that I am omitting the 2nd FNC1. Is it possible my version is too old to support this encoding? My version is from 8/23/2007.

Here is part of the VFP code:

.OO.Object.ApplyTilde = 1
.OO.Object.Code128CharSet = 0
*.OO.Object.DataToEncode = "~202420" + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.Zip) + "~202" + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.TrkNum)
*messagebox("420" + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.Zip) + CHR(202) + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.TrkNum))
*.OO.Object.DataToEncode = CHR(203) + "420" + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.Zip) + CHR(202) + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.TrkNum)
.OO.Object.DataToEncode = "~203420" + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.Zip) + "~202" + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.TrkNum)
.OO.Object.SymbologyID = 16

I have tried straight ASCII and also the tilde method with the same result, whenever I add them I cannot scan the barcode. If I omit them entirely, the USPS states I'm missing the 2nd FNC1. Does anyone have any suggestions?


02-05-14     10.9 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

It is hard to tell what could be causing the error from your code. Please follow these suggestions:

* During the testing phase, use hard-coded data (not from a dynamic datasource) to run specific test-cases
* The problem being faced is a GS1 data formatting issue. Please review this GS1 Application Identifier Specifications Post (and the subsequent links in that post) along with the suggestion of using the Tilde Method instead of the ASCII 202 Method.
* If you feel it would be helpful, IDAutomation has a Visual Fox pro (VFP) example (expand the section +Installation in Visual FoxPro) that may be used as a guide with the ActiveX Control.

Posted 10.9 year(s) ago

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Thank you for the quick response. I looked at Fig 2 and see what you are talking about. I change my code to this:

.OO.Object.ApplyTilde = 1
.OO.Object.Code128CharSet = 0
.OO.Object.DataToEncode = "~202420" + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.Zip) + "~029" + ALLTRIM(RepCursor.TrkNum)
.OO.Object.SymbologyID = 16

I've tried both this as well as the ASC() function in VFP however they both result in unscannable barcodes. Once I remove the tilde or ASCII characters, I can scan them. Any thoughts on that issue?


Posted 10.9 year(s) ago

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Since Apply Tilde is being enabled, where the second Ê character (~202) is located, use a GS, a Group Separator, created using ~029.

Please refer to Fig 2 in the section titled Decoding & Reading GS1-128 FNC & AIs.

Posted 10.9 year(s) ago

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