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Code128 Barcode in Adobe Acrobat Form


My client has a PDF form where you fill out product options then it converts those options into a single text field "Lot Number" then finally a field, "Lot Number Barcode", takes the lot number and converts it to a barcode. For some reason, this is not working. I know almost nothing about barcode integration but I am a programmer and just looking for some guidance on this topic.

I looked under this website's menu "Applications Integration" dropdown to find a solution for Acrobat / PDFs but didn't see any. Is this because the solution involves Javascript which can be applied to a PDF document natively?

The "Lot Number Barcode" field uses under properties Calculate->Custom Calculation Script this code. So like I said above it's taking the "Lot Number" field and converting it to a string which I believe then the font uses to generate the correct barcode or that is the idea.
event.value = this.getField("Lot No").valueAsString;

I found this post on about this topic and it seems like it can be much more involved but I don't understand what he is talking about:
The first thing you'll need is access to a suitable code 128 bar code font that allows at least editable embedding. You can then use it with a regular text form field and use JavaScript to set the field value correctly. This involves including the start/stop characters, calculating and including the check digit, selecting the code set, and possibly code set-shifting. The hardest part can be finding the font.

Stackoverflow: Code128 Barcode in Adobe Acrobat Form

Here is a link to the actual PDF I was given by the client:

Operating System: Windows 10

Application: Acrobat PDF

09-21-18     6.3 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

From what you describe it sounds like you need our Code 128 Font which also includes the FEA, that can easily copy and paste a barcode in almost any application. The Developer License of this font package includes the JavaScript Font Encoder.

Posted 6.3 year(s) ago

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Yes, all of our products come with a 30-day money-back guarantee if not completely satisfied.

Posted 6.3 year(s) ago

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Thank you for your post. I looked at the Javascript solution you mentioned but this seems to be for HTML will this still work with a PDF and embedding the Javascript? Also, if you look at the PDF I attached the barcode is generated on the fly depending on certain options chosen. If we go ahead and purchase the Font and JS Encoder and it does not work for us do you have a money-back guarantee?

Posted 6.3 year(s) ago

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