DMFontEncoder.Fontencode the Encoding Mode 2 - Text inserting double comma in barcode
I am using your IDautomation Datamatrix Barcode v1.4 and have an intermittent problem with the 2d barcode. There is an extra comma returned in the 2d barcode. For the most part, it works fine, but intermittently I am getting a double comma issue. This issue is repeatable for those double comma lines. I am using the DMFontEncoder.FontEncode (strInput, 0, 2, 0, strOutput) code line. (The 2-TEXT is used to encode data that mainly contains numeric and lowercase characters. TEXT encodes three alphanumeric data characters into two bytes. ) My strInput data has Uppercase values for example “ Os_0118,10811123,85 E 20Th St FL 3,R” and returns "AOGNHIHNDOGMDJAKGIANCLGK ACLPHICHPPIHCNOAFPPBFICK AIANCHNHDOGBOPBKNPELOBMK ALLMFHMKCLCENLEJNGGDNOOK AOOMAGFEMMCOKACPDNGIBGGK AKAEKAAIKOKKGMOMEEOGICEK" This scans as “ Os_0118,10811123,85 E 20Th St FL 3,,R”. You can see an extra comma added between the 3 and R than was put in. I have gone to a site like and selected the “Text” format and this works fine for this input data. I have selected other encoding modes 0 and 3 and the double comma issue is fixed. Is this a bug in your conversion for the 2 encoding mode, or is this not a good option to use since my data line has Upper case too? If I was to change the line to “ Os_0118,10811123,85 E 20th St FL 3,R” the encoding works fine and there is no double comma.
Operating System:
Windows XP
09-21-12 12.2 year(s) ago
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