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How to create barcodes that will populate fields?


I desperately need to know what software will allow me to create a barcode that can populate fields. The idea is to scan a barcode and have it fill out the appropriate field and then tab over to the next field to fill it out, etc.

I have a SC7-USB-2D scan gun but I'm no programmer so I don't have a clue as to what to do.
I've included some screenshots of the online form that I would be working with.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Operating System: Windows 7

Form 1
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Title: Form 1
Form 2
Photo Details
Title: Form 2

06-06-16     8.6 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Using the Tilde Method of ~dXXX (where XXX is the 3-digit decimal number for the ASCII character you want to represent) works.

Using your example, you would encode Jane~d009Doe (keeping the other DataMatrix properties at their defaults) and it will produce the following barcode (here zoomed in):

To see the scan correctly, enable ‘lower ASCII’ (or similar – see your scanner manual) and scan the barcode into a program that shows the unprintable characters, such as the Free Barcode Scanner ASCII String Decoder.

The scan* will show the unprintable characters (here represented in <> – HT is also known as Tab):


*IDAutomation does not perform verification services – the above is for instructional purposes only.

Posted 8.6 year(s) ago

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Hi James,

I'm not working with any one specific software suite so I went ahead and downloaded a demo version of the Barcode Label Software.

I then attempted to create a DataMatrix barcode that would TAB over to the next field but I couldn't get it to work. I had the tilde box check-marked and typed the following Jane~d009Doe. I then tried Jane~009Doe but that didn't work either.

Could it maybe be that my scan gun isn't programmed correctly? It's currently set to default.

Thank you,

Posted 8.6 year(s) ago

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While we cannot perform work for our clients, we can guide and answer questions to help as much as we can.

With that said, I would generally recommend DataMatrix as a 2D barcode type that can encode ‘functions’ (lower ASCII characters such as Tab, Carriage Return, and Space).

Are you wanting a stand-alone application* to create barcode in or are you working in a specific software suite and want to integrate barcode functionality? Please clarify as much as you can so I may provide a recommendation.

*Such as the Barcode Label Software.

Posted 8.6 year(s) ago

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