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Need the Linear Barcode image filename

USCIS purchased 5 developer licenses for ASP.NET Barcode Linear Web Server Control about a year ago. The SW works great and generates the desired barcodes for use in a web application using Symbologies.Code128.

I have a need to get the generated barcode image filename but the property (.imagefilename) returns a blank string instead of the file name.

How do I get the file name of the image?

Operating System: Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2

Application: Visual Studio Web Application

04-28-15     9.8 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

This is really implementation-specific to the Microsoft .Net Framework, as this wanted functionality is not directly part of the IDAutomation component.

What I can suggest is implementing a process that saves the barcode image to a file, which then may be included/embedded in the PDF-creating mechanism your client is using.

With that said, you might also want to look at the properties AllowCustomPaths, ImageLocalPath, and ImageRelativePath to help set a barcode image.

Posted 9.8 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (4)
By your explanation, it is understandable. Another option* might be to generate barcode images (look at +Using the Control as a DLL to Create Graphic Files on the Server) in a separate action, then include/embed the image in the PDF-creating mechanism your client is using.

*This is outside the scope of our support, but I mention it here to help.

Posted 9.8 year(s) ago

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What you say is true, it is implementation specific but I am searching for a better way to use the idAutomation control.

What I can't find is what the method is to actually generate the image and file name. It is not practical (or desired) to wait until a page is rendered for the file to be generated. It will speed up the mailing insert operation to get rid of the aspx page that is used to format and print the insert.

Posted 9.8 year(s) ago

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Thanks for the information about the SaveImageAs. Although what I tried did not work, I think if it did it would not provide the needed answer. It looks like the file name (default or otherwise) is not generated until the target page with the control is actually rendered. The rendered page is currently being printed from the browser.

The client is wanting to change the functionality such that instead of displaying a web page with the bar code they want the image embedded in a pdf file for later printing (we are printing USPS mailing inserts). Do we need a different control other than the Linearwebserver control to do this?

Posted 9.8 year(s) ago

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It is easier to generate files to a specific drive with a specific name (using the SaveImageAs* method) rather than trying to capture the filename of a cached file.

*Expand the Advanced Server Control Properties and Methods section for general information.

Applies to:
ASP.NET Barcode Web Server Control

Posted 9.8 year(s) ago

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