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Trouble with 23n Variable length field

We have a barcode that needs to conditionally display the sub lot field as the AI 235 - 23n type field but am having trouble getting it to work.

When we use this logic, it fails.

DataToEncode = "~212"+"01"+cstr({ITMMASTER.EANCOD_0})+"17"+totext({STOLOT.SHLDAT_0},"yyMMdd")+"10"+cstr({STOJOU.LOT_0})+ "Ê"+"(235)"+cstr({STOJOU.SLO_0})

This part of the code is working as we have tested this by itself.

DataToEncode = "~212"+"01"+cstr({ITMMASTER.EANCOD_0})+"17"+totext({STOLOT.SHLDAT_0},"yyMMdd")+"10"+cstr({STOJOU.LOT_0})

When we look at the data of the SLO field, it is "00001". Can anyone provide any feedback on how to improve it?

We are using the Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports with the Code 128 & GS1-128 version. Specifically the IDAutomation Native - GS1-128 with HRI file.

Application: Crystal Reports

11-13-20     4.3 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

The product will encode what you provide for the DataToEncode. It is up to the GS1 rules and the scanner decoding the barcode to parse it out. We offer examples of this at the GS1 AI page. So to show you how to encode the FNC1 is about the extent of the support we can provide. You can test decoding the GS1 barcodes by using the Barcode Decoder Verification App, which verifies FNC, AI, and Element Strings.

Posted 4.3 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (7)
Hi Ben,

I found I get a good result if I change the AI to a 2 digit such as 21. See below.

DataToEncode = "~202"&"01"+"50092311220952"&"17"&"991231"&"10"&"201112-060"&"Ê"&"21"&"00001"

If I use a 3-digit AI such as 235 (5-digit 23n type AI), then it does not provide a good result. Can you please help me with this?

DataToEncode = "~202"&"01"+"50092311220952"&"17"&"991231"&"10"&"201112-060"&"Ê"&"235"&"00001"

Posted 4.3 year(s) ago

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The barcode with sublot scans as :

The barcode without sublot scans as:
(01) 50092311220951
(17) 201212
(10) 201112-059

Posted 4.3 year(s) ago

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Hi Brant,

Thanks for the feedback! Are you able to confirm if everything is working appropriately for both images? I have a scanning app to test but want to make sure since it is displaying it a bit differently for both.

With sublot:

Without sublot:

Posted 4.3 year(s) ago

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Try it using ~202 instead of Ê.

Posted 4.3 year(s) ago

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Ignore the previous post as it was sent incorrectly.

Here is what I tried with the static data:

I went step by step and found that all of these parts work fine:

The problem is the last field, the sublot (AI 235).

Note that AI 10 and AI 17 are both variable-length fields. I added the Ê between them based on the chart 3 scenarios in the following link but still cannot get it to work.

Posted 4.3 year(s) ago

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Hi Brant,

I tried that and now eliminated the AI 235.


AI 10 and 235 are variable length fields, so I added the Ê between them as such

Here is what I tried with the static data:

I went step by step and found that all of these parts work fine:

The problem is the last field, the sub lot (AI 235).

Note that AI 10 and AI 17 are both variable-length fields. I added the Ê between them based on the chart 3 scenarios in the following link but still cannot get it to work.

Posted 4.3 year(s) ago

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I recommend trying only static data and using & instead of + and ~202 instead of ~212 such as:
DataToEncode = "~202" & "01" & "34567890123457" & "17" & "991231" & "10" & "12345678"
If that encodes properly, use a process of elimination one field at a time to find the problem.

Posted 4.3 year(s) ago

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