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Do not see the applyTilde function in Java Component (LinearBarCode-1.1)

I inherited an application that uses version 1.1 of LinearBarCode for Java and I am trying to implement the GS1-128 barcode. Would you happen to know if there is an equivalent in this version of the applyTilde method? I see nothing in the BarCode class which seems applicable. We are using the CODE 128 symbology (13) with character set = 0. When we enclose the application identifiers with parentheses the resultant barcode image does not scan. We are trying to get the FNC-1 bar to appear. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

07-18-12     12.3 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Ensure that the latest version of the Java Component is used.

Posted 12.2 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (5)
I don’t have the Javadoc for this particular version of the Java Barcode Component. However, I ran “jad” on it and the word “tilde” does not appear anywhere in the packages. Nor do the words “process” or “apply” appear.

Here is the manifest file:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Name: com/idautomation/linear/BarCode.class
java-Bean: True
Implementation-Version: 2.1
Specification-Title: Java Barcode Package
Specification-Version: 2.1
Implementation-Title: Java Barcode Package
Created-By: 1.3.1_03 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Implementation-Vendor:, Inc.
Specification-Vendor:, Inc.


Posted 12.3 year(s) ago

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Check the API for the BarCode class:


If true, numbers after the Tilde will be processed according to the rules in the user guide; this option is only available when the symbology is Code 128, and the character set is AUTO or 0.

setProcessTilde(boolean pt)
Sets the processTilde property.

ProcessTilde has been in the component since its inception. Properties:

Posted 12.3 year(s) ago

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Couldn't paste the entire class due to the 5000-character limit, but that should give the idea. Thanks.

Posted 12.3 year(s) ago

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Thanks for the response. But I don't see a processTilde property either. Unfortunately, I don't have the Javadoc for this version (1.1), nor have I been able to find Javadoc online. I don't see a file upload option so I will paste the entire class. Any idea if this version had an alternative way for dealing with tilde/parentheses for FNC1 other than processTilde or applyTilde?

package com.idautomation.linear;

public class BarCode extends java.awt.Canvas implements{
public static final int CODE39 = 0;
public static final int CODE39EXT = 1;
public static final int INTERLEAVED25 = 2;
public static final int CODE11 = 3;
public static final int CODABAR = 4;
public static final int MSI = 5;
public static final int UPCA = 6;
public static final int IND25 = 7;
public static final int MAT25 = 8;
public static final int CODE93 = 9;
public static final int EAN13 = 10;
public static final int EAN8 = 11;
public static final int UPCE = 12;
public static final int CODE128 = 13;
public static final int CODE93EXT = 14;
public static final int POSTNET = 15;
public static final int PLANET = 16;
public static final int UCC128 = 17;
public int barType;
public java.lang.String code;
private java.lang.String codeSup;
public boolean checkCharacter;
public boolean checkCharacterInText;
public double postnetHeightTallBar;
public double postnetHeightShortBar;
public double leftMarginCM;
protected static final int d = 1;
public double topMarginCM;
protected int leftMarginPixels;
protected int topMarginPixels;
private int leftGuardBar;
private int centerGuardBarStart;
private int centerGuardBarEnd;
private int rightGuardBar;
private int endOfCode;
private int startSuplement;
private int endSuplement;
private int suplementTopMargin;
public java.lang.String supplement;
public boolean guardBars;
public java.awt.Color backColor;
public java.lang.String codeText;
protected int narrowBarPixels;
protected int widthBarPixels;
protected double narrowBarCM;
protected double widthBarCM;
public int resolution;
protected int barHeightPixels;
public double barHeightCM;
public int width;
public int height;
private int pWidth;
private int pHeight;
public java.awt.Font textFont;
public java.awt.Color fontColor;
public java.awt.Color barColor;
private int extraHeight;
public char UPCESytem;
public char CODABARStartChar;
public char CODABARStopChar;
public boolean UPCEANSupplement2;
public boolean UPCEANSupplement5;
public char Code128Set;
public double X;
public double N;
public double I;
public double H;
public double L;
public int rotate;
public double supSeparationCM;
public double supHeight;
protected int currentX;
protected int currentY;
protected java.lang.String[][] set39;
protected java.lang.String[][] set25;
protected java.lang.String[][] setMSI;
protected java.lang.String[][] set11;
protected java.lang.String[][] setCODABAR;
protected java.lang.String[][] set93;
protected java.lang.String[][] setUPCALeft;
protected java.lang.String[][] setUPCARight;
protected java.lang.String[][] setUPCEOdd;
protected java.lang.String[][] setUPCEEven;
protected java.lang.String[] set39Ext;
protected java.lang.String[] set93Ext;
protected java.lang.String[] UPCESystem0;
protected java.lang.String[] UPCESystem1;
protected java.lang.String[][] setEANLeftA;
protected java.lang.String[][] setEANLeftB;
protected java.lang.String[][] setEANRight;
protected java.lang.String[] setEANCode;
protected java.lang.String[] fiveSuplement;
protected java.lang.String[] set128;
protected java.lang.String[] set128B;
protected java.lang.String[] set128C;
protected java.lang.String[][] setPOSTNET;
protected java.lang.String[][] setPLANET;

public BarCode()

public void setSymbologyID(int i)

public int getSymbologyID()

public void setDataToEncode(java.lang.String s)

public java.lang.String getDataToEncode()

public void setCheckCharacter(boolean b)

public boolean getCheckCharacter()

public void setCheckCharacterInText(boolean b)

public boolean getCheckCharacterInText()

public void setPostnetHeightTall(double v)

public double getPostnetHeightTall()

public void setPostnetHeightShort(double v)

public double getPostnetHeightShort()

public void setLeftMarginCM(double v)

public double getLeftMarginCM()

public void setTopMarginCM(double v)

public double getTopMarginCM()


Posted 12.3 year(s) ago

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The Java Component has a property named Process Tilde (it is the same as Apply Tilde). To view this property as well as others for the Java Barcode Component, please visit:

3 things to check for to ensure that you are properly creating
GS1-128 Barcodes

Posted 12.3 year(s) ago

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