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vertical barcode Filemaker 18

I need to replace the previous plug-in used in FMP13, which generated vertical barcodes on labels. Fortunately, it works fine on window 7, and 32 bits plug-in and FMP18
Now for Windows 10 and 64-bit applications, the plug-in runs no longer. I've tried to generate on native barcode generator level 2 using Webviewer; I'm observing it can't be rotated for vertical reading
Can you help me to find a solution, please?

Operating System: windows 10

Application: Filemaker 18.03

06-03-20     4.7 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

I found the issue. It was coming from inactive custom function importation. It was solved by erasing and importing from the demo again.

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (9)
I am glad you were able to solve the problem.

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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Try to download the demo and then modify the demo to see if it can do what you need it to.

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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Thanks to the focus of this Claris barcode encoder. That normally should be able to show vertical barcodes. I've tried to follow all things of the tutorial, but finally, this doesn't run to encode a barcode. The issue I have is using the Universal font IDautomation SUni M demo, when used on a text, it gives high-density bars, (probably not encoded text result), when using the custom function on Manage database state, with the field IDautomationUniC128 looks like miscellaneous spare thin bars (close to the tutorial illustration), but on Browse display, nothing. the field is empty !!

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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The example is here
and from there you can download the demo version to test it. It includes a demo font for testing.

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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Thanks for your reply. In the FMP environment,
I'm not used to custom functions you can write me longer on how to implement them? Today, I'm only able to generate Native Barcode in Webviewer, but this is limited in terms of orientation.
Regarding the universal barcode fonts, in FMP, calling directly the fonts and selecting the police, and choosing the size, I'm not able to adjust the width of the barcode. I've not understood how to prepare the Dataencode in C128 to be read by the ID _automation Font and adjust the width. You're proposing to use Universal Barcodefonts through custom functions, may you give an example, would that be kind of you?

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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There is also a Custom Function implementation in the Native Generator. Have you tried that? Please let us know so we can update this incident.

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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With Code 128 I believe it is possible with the FileMaker Custom Functions and the Universal Barcode Font, which supports Code 128. Download the product demos and see if it works for you.

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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Thanks, Brant,
I'm improving to generate code 128, but I'm not completely sure. I can try first by this one, please.

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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The rotation feature is not available in the Native Barcode Generator for linear barcode types, unless there is a way to rotate the webviewer. Depending on the type of barcode you are generating, this may be possible using barcode fonts. Let me know what barcode you are using we can check on the options.

Posted 4.7 year(s) ago

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