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Printing SSCC Barcodes in Oracle Reports (Question 2)

Good day!!

We are having some issues with printing barcodes in our Oracle Reports.

Currently, we are using Oracle Reports 10g and we need to print the SSCC number as a barcode in a few reports. I am using Code 128 for code generation, but it has to be compliant with EAN 128, which I guess is a subset of Code 128.

Do you have any solution for this?

Application: Oracle Report Builder

I have downloaded the .pll library and did some sought of testing. But still, my POS is telling me it follows code128 but not EAN128 which we need to go ahead with.

In the database, it shows the SSCC number as '00393487540021203588. So I need to show this as a barcode in pdf output given by Oracle report and should be in EAN128 standard.

I'll show you how I call an expression within a formula column:
function CF_3Formula return varchar is


Please help me to resolve this.

Thank you.

10-09-14     10.2 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

I believe the issue is related to the character set/ NLS_LANG. It needs American_America.UTF8. However, when this is set, certain high ASCII values such as the ~212 which encodes the FNC1 cannot be resolved. If you remove the NLS_LANG, it will not properly display the Unicode characters and will not produce a barcode. For GS1 encoding, IDAutomation recommends the Java Component which produces barcode images. Since this solution does not rely on the NLS_LANG setting, there should be no issues encoding the FNC1

Java Barcode Component for Oracle Reports

Posted 10.2 year(s) ago

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Thank you very much for your valuable input. (Benjamin R. Johnson has helped me to do this)
The report is giving the expected results after the modifications via the reports developer and the report is working fine.
But once we move the report to the Oracle Apps server, it is giving the following error.

“'cf_barcodeformula: Fatal PL/SQL error occurred"
ORA -39565: Message 39565 not found; Product=RDBMS facility=ORA”

What I did is:
Step 1: Add a new entry to REPORTS_CLASSPATH in the apps server
Step 2: Copied the given .JAR file into the physical path mentioned in REPORTS_CLASSPATH in the server.

We are using Oracle apps server 10g and the JAVA version is 1.4.2.
Do we need to modify any other file in the server or do a restart?
Please advise.

Meantime, we are currently working on the no of users, etc.. in order to buy your product, and hopefully we will go for this.

Thank you.

Posted 10.2 year(s) ago

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Can you explain what is occurring? If there is an error, what is it?

If you are attempting to test SSCC18, ensure that you are setting the appropriate properties. The DataToEncode must still use ~212 and the SSCC18 check calculate must be ~m17 such as:
~21200393487540021203588~m17. The ApplyTilde/ setProcessTilde to True.

Java API

Posted 10.2 year(s) ago

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I tried with this as well but still not generating as we expected. Do you have any sample .jsp or .rdf files with test coding?
If so it is a big help.

For your info, this is the way I am calling the code inside a formula column and the .rdf file is attached for reference.

function CF_1Formula return Char is
/*name of temp file*/
ImageFile VarChar2(250);
/*object containing barcode properties*/
/*object that creates a jpeg of barcode based on BarcodeObject*/
BarcodeEncoderObject ORA_JAVA.JOBJECT;
/*Get a temporary file name for the jpeg*/
imageFile := srw.create_temporary_filename();
/*Create the barcode object*/
/*Set the symbology*/
databar.setSymbologyID(BarcodeObject, databar.CODE128);
/*set the data to encode*/
--databar.setDataToEncode(BarcodeObject, to_char(:sscc_no));
databar.setDataToEncode(BarcodeObject, to_char('00393487540021203588'));
/*Create the jpeg*/
BarcodeEncoderObject :=, 'JPEG',ImageFile);
/*If, for some reason, the barcode is not created, return null
otherwise, return the name of the barcode image jpeg that was
created */
if ORA_JAVA.IS_NULL(BarcodeEncoderObject) then
end if;

Thank you.

Posted 10.2 year(s) ago

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The check digit has to be 8, not 5...I have a couple of emails exchanged with your support team regarding this issue.
Appreciate it if you could give me a solution asap.

Thank you

Posted 10.2 year(s) ago

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A response to your original inquiry is available here.

Code 128 is the barcode symbology that generates the EAN128/GS1-128 barcode standard. Learn more about Symbologies and Standards.

Based on your data, the check digit (SSCC18th digit) should be 5.

Can you provide the results of the scan? Can you attach a PDF of the barcode to us Contact Us?

Posted 10.2 year(s) ago

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