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Variable QRcode when being printed is change size of barcode. Created with VBA Excel 2010 32bit on a 64bit machine. a Mac is sending information to an Indigo Press

QR Code Font Package

Operating System: win7 and mac osx

11-02-16     8.3 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Try copying the encoded data into another application (as a test) and re-apply the barcode font. Based on the emails and forum posts, the issue seems to be occurring during the merge. It could be a loss of data or part of the field data moved. It is difficult to say what is going on. I have used the encoder and printed to a few different printers without any issues. The font and encoder look good. It could be merged or printer related.

Posted 8.3 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (7)
We are using the id automation font and encoder package for the QR code
no barcodes are sent Using Quark 8.5 with smart stream 8.5.1.i31
Indigo series 1 press with RIP5.5 build 002a
The same barcode is printed in 2 different sizes.
see attached .png
Each set is a different set of data.
The barcode changed size.

Posted 8.3 year(s) ago

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I see the email has come through now. However, if you can still provide answers to the questions in the previous message post, that would be great.

Are you using the QR Code Font and Encoder Package? If not, what is the exact name of the product that you are using?

Are the barcodes sent to PDF?

Is the printed barcode a different size from screen to print out or from screen to PDF or from PDF to print it out?

Posted 8.3 year(s) ago

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Can you resend the PDF to us: Contact Us

Also, provide answers to the questions:

Are you using the QR Code Font and Encoder Package? If not, what is the exact name of the product that you are using?

Are the barcodes sent to PDF?

Is the printed barcode a different size from screen to print out or from screen to PDF or from PDF to print out?

Posted 8.3 year(s) ago

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Hello - the screen grabs from the press aren't great. I scanned a printed sheet.
Using Quark 8.5 with smart stream 8.5.1.i31
Indigo series 1 press with RIP5.5 build 002a

Posted 8.3 year(s) ago

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Are you using the QR Code Font and Encoder Package? If not, what is the exact name of the product that you are using?

Are the barcodes sent to PDF?

Is the printed barcode a different size from screen to print out or from screen to PDF or from PDF to print out?

Send a PDF to us: Contact Us with the picture of the PDF of the barcodes.

Posted 8.3 year(s) ago

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When data is spooled to indigo press. the QR code changes size. rip is a series 1
2 sizes of the same barcode are printed.
The size of one changes occasionally the other looks like it is shifting row position and chopping off edges or messing up the alignment

Posted 8.3 year(s) ago

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How may I assist you? Can you clarify your question?

Posted 8.3 year(s) ago

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