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Code 128 font embedded in PDF not working in browsers

Up until about a month ago, the code 128 barcode font was viewable in most browsers when embedded in a PDF, but now it only shows up as text.

A functioning workaround is to have the browser download the PDF instead and, then view it in f.ex Adobe Acrobat Reader. External PDF viewers seem to handle the embedded font just fine. Also, until the latest update, the Opera browser was capable of viewing the font correctly, but that is no longer the case.

I first noticed this error in Edge, but then it also started showing up in Firefox and Chrome as they were updated, and now finally in Opera as well as of the latest update.

I have done some research into the matter and it seems pretty much all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc) use the same Javascript (or a variation of it) "pdf.js" to open PDF files. It does this in conjunction with a "sanitizer" script for open-type fonts called "Open Type Sanitizer". This script parses the fonts embedded in a PDF and tries to render it correctly, but if it fails to do so for some reason, it will only display the text in a default font. As far as I have been able to research the matter, I strongly suspect that the code 128 font now fails this sanitizing process. If this is due to some mismatch in the font itself or if the fault is in the script, is difficult for me to say. I include this information to give you a possible starting point.

I have also attempted all the various potential fixes I could find online, f.ex replacing the PDF plugin viewer in Chrome, but this has no effect.

07-10-18     6.5 year(s) ago    

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I have done some research into the matter and it seems pretty much all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc) use the same Javascript (or a variation of it) "pdf.js" to open PDF files. It does this in conjunction with a "sanitizer" script for open-type fonts called "Open Type Sanitizer". This script parses the fonts embedded in a PDF and tries to render it correctly, but if it fails to do so for some reason, it will only display the text in a default font. As far as I have been able to research the matter, I strongly suspect that the code 128 font now fails this sanitizing process. If this is due to some mismatch in the font itself or if the fault is in the script, is difficult for me to say. I include this information to give you a possible starting point.

JavaScript Generator
Barcode Generator Service

Posted 6.5 year(s) ago

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