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Demo barcode doesn't verify?


I need to print some identcodes for a customer on our delivery notes via crystal reports 10. We only have one large version of the Interleaved 2 of 5 font installed, so when it prints it's coming off the page.

I tried installing the demo fonts to see which one might work for us, and the XL one is ideal due to the height. However, when I try and print a demonstration copy using a number field (1234512345 and using the correct conversion via crystal functions, the barcode does not even scan. When using the standard interleaved barcode font that was already installed, it scans okay.

Is this simply because it's a demo font and won't let me scan it? I'm skeptical about ordering the full set with a site license if this isn't going to work for us.

Many thanks


Operating System: Windows Server

Application: Crystal Reports

09-11-14     10.3 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

To create a scannable barcode using a font, two components are required:
(1) barcode font
(2) font encoder

To learn more about the issue, view this forum post.

For Crystal Reports, we have the IDAutomation UFL font encoder or the Crystal Font Formulas for I2of5 (supplied with sale version of the product).

If you are already encoding the data but the barcode does not scan, verify that the field is expanded large enough to display the barcode. If not, then it is possible that part of the barcode will be cut off.

If the encoder is used and the barcode field is expanded, then verify the font size is accurate for the printer. Here are the size specifications for I2of5.

Our fonts should be used with our encoders.

Posted 10.3 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (2)
Yes. The IDAutomation font encoder must be used. Each company will have a font and font encoder pair that may be different from other companies. Once you encode the data using our encoder and apply the IDAutomation font, it should be scannable.

Posted 10.3 year(s) ago

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Ok, I do already have a function installed on crystal reports (v10) which is an interleaved2of5 function. For example the field -

<<.8NWQ (And another symbol I cant key on here)

which is converted from


So that to me seems fine, unless your automation tool converts in a different way? But I can create perfectly scannable interleaved 2 of 5 with the existing barcode font using the encoding function that already exists. I just need to be able to use the ID automation XXL, as it gives a greater height but tighter width.

Posted 10.3 year(s) ago

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