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Generated DataMatrix with parentheses will not scan correct

We developed a solution with the Data Matrix Font and Encoder using the DLL version of the IDAutomation encoder for MS Business Central OnPrem. The font used is IDAutomation2D. The issue occurs for specific barcodes, some of which will scan and some of which will not. Scannable barcodes appear to be correct based on apps/devices used to test scanning.

Text encoded for not working barcode is (99)DP03B01.
Text encoded for working barcode is (99)DP04F02.

Attached is an image of two barcodes, encoded text, and the resulting barcode generated. Any insight as to what it is I am doing wrong would be welcome.

Operating System: Windows 11 Pro

Application: Microsoft Business Central OnPrem version 22

01-14-25     56 day(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Hello Andrew, No worries on the delay, we're always happy to jump back into troubleshooting with you. I tested the DLL and have a few recommendations for you to try:

You have set the applyTilde option to true, but you do not use the tilde in the string. When applyTilde is enabled it also interprets the parentheses as the FNC1 for GS1 specifications. Set applyTilde to false and run the program again.


If you want to keep the applyTilde option set to true, use the ASCII equivalents for parentheses: ~d040 and ~d041. Your string might look like this: string dataToEncode = "~d04099~d041DP03B01";

I was able to generate scannable DataMatrix barcodes based on your data using each method above. Let us know if one of the fixes resolves your issue. if it does not, we strongly recommend switching to the SSRS Font Encoder.

Posted 41 day(s) ago

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Apologies for the delay. We had to jump through some hoops on this one and I actually had a co-worker who was more proficient with C# give me a hand and had to track him down to get this and he was on vacation for a couple weeks. We were originally trying to use the IDAutomation.NetStandard.Datamatrix.FontEncoder functions available in the DLL provided with the purchased download package. Unfortunately because your EncodeDM has function overrides and Business central emphatically does not handle function overrides well, we had to write a wrapper DLL that we could call a function that would then call the EncodeDM function with some of the values "hardcoded".

Specifically we are calling the function with the following parameters, with the "DataToEncode" representing the data from Business Central:

EncodeDM(DataToEncode,true,EncodingModes.Auto,-1, OutputTypes.IDA2DFont, null)

Per your mention that it's helpful to use static strings rather than dynamically generated ones, I actually have the data exported to the report in plaintext which I can redirect to an Excel worksheet instead of the report layout (for easy debugging purposes). I can guarantee you that the data sent is in fact the data in my original post (the "(99)DP03B01" string).

Posted 41 day(s) ago

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Hello Andrew,

Thank you for confirming the information. If the encoders are correctly configured and are generally producing accurate barcodes, we recommend testing a hard-coded string, such as (99)DP03B01, to rule out any issues with how the data is being retrieved or processed. If the hardcoded string is still producing unscannable barcodes it's possible it could be the dll, in which case which exact dll are you using?

Additionally, the DLLs are not the recommended encoder for this type of setup. We strongly recommend utilizing the SSRS Font Encoder for improved performance and compatibility, if feasible. They are located in the Developer Tools received during the initial software purchase.

I hope this information has been helpful, let us know the outcomes and if we can provide any additonal insight.

Posted 56 day(s) ago

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