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Incomplete GS1-128 Bar Code Printing

I am using a Zebra printer with ZPL commands to print a 1D GS1-128 bar code that has embedded Application identifiers. The issue I am having is that the printed bar code when scanned is not including all of the characters sent via the ZPL command unless the number of characters following one of the AIs is greater than 1 character.

Here is the ZPL command:
where ^FN5 is the placeholder for the string to be encoded.

Here is the string being passed that works correctly with AI's (17), (10), and (30):

The string below does not encode the 6 following the (30) AI:

Has anyone ever run into this?

07-08-13     11.5 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

IDAutomation has solutions that are printer independent, not using the Zebra Programming Language (ZPL).

Consider using the Code 128 Barcode Font Package and a barcode font encoder in your chosen environment.

The advantages are:

* Generate the Code 128 barcode from a font.
* Easily encodes GS1-128 Application Identifiers that are now visible in the human-readable version with parentheses.
* Patent-pending font technology produces extremely high-quality barcodes.
* Provided with both non-human readable and human-readable versions without showing the check character.
* Contains over 18 different Code 128 font versions in 6 formats.
* Examples for Microsoft® Word, Excel, Access, and Crystal Reports included.
* TrueType, OpenType, PCL LaserJet soft fonts, and PostScript font versions are included.
* Unicode option improves compatibility with double-byte character sets.

When generating GS1 symbols, IDAutomation recommends testing the result with the Barcode Decoder App which parses out GS1 data to verify proper encoding.

The support provided is for IDAutomation products only. IDAutomation cannot provide consulting services, assist with the vendor's application or client's environment, or troubleshoot custom source codes.

Posted 11.5 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (6)
The >5 says that the following characters are all numeric and pairs of numeric characters are grouped together for compression in the barcode. You must therefore always have an even number of numeric characters after the >5. If you cannot guarantee this then remove the last >5.

Posted 11.1 year(s) ago

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No luck. Removing the ">;" at the front of the string produced an unscannable barcode.

Posted 11.5 year(s) ago

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take off >;
try below

Posted 11.5 year(s) ago

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Sorry, but your suggestion is not possible with this particular application situation.

Posted 11.5 year(s) ago

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The strings are being passed via the ZPL command directly to the Zebra printer from a custom application, no IDAutomation font is being used.

If I was not using the ^FN5 placeholder the complete command to the Zebra printer would be:

Posted 11.5 year(s) ago

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How is the data being encoded? Are you using an IDAutomation font? If so, please list an order number.

Posted 11.5 year(s) ago

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