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Cannot Save Excel Generator Image to CSV for InDesign

I can create a 2D code in Excel, but it has to be in a .csv file format. When I try to save the file as a .csv, the 2D code field ends up blank. Is there any way to save it as a .csv & keep the 2d code intact?

Operating System: Windows 10

Application: Excel

10-10-22     2.4 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

When using the Barcode Generator for Excel, it is not possible to store the image created with the default parameter or parameter 1, such as
=IDAutomation_NXLS_DataMatrix(CELL REF) OR =IDAutomation_NXLS_DataMatrix(CELL REF, 1) , into a CSV.

In this case, IDAutomation has another parameter to generate text data and use a barcode font with the product. The formula uses parameter 3:
=IDAutomation_NXLS_DataMatrix(CELL REF, 3)

About Font Text parameter 3:
Returns a text string that when combined with the included font creates a barcode. If this option is used, the fonts within the package must be installed on each computer using the product. This option should only be used when the font produces a better result than other options. The fonts to install are IDAutomation2D XLS for all 2D barcodes. No other fonts or sizes are provided since these are the only sizes that display correctly within Excel. If other font sizes are needed, the appropriate font package must be purchased. Any cell using IDAutomation2D XLS must be set to "wrap text" to stack the 2D symbol. If it is necessary to embed the font for distribution, it may be possible to embed the Excel worksheet in a Word document in which the desired font is also embedded.

The text produced in this formula uses carriage returns and line feeds to stack the characters. To ensure the data is maintained in a CSV, the carriage returns and line feeds must be replaced using this formula directly in Excel:

=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(IDAutomation_NXLS_DataMatrix(CELL REF, 3),CHAR(13),"_r"),CHAR(10),"_r")



In InDesign:

1. Open an InDesign project. Select Window - Utilities - Data Merge.

2. Choose Select Data Source.

The encoded data appears as:

3. On the left panel of InDesign, drag a text field onto the document.

4. Drag the merged source field to the text field.

5. Check the Preview check box within the InDesign Data Merge box.

6. Select Edit - Find/Change.

7. Select the GREP tab. In the Find what box, enter _r_r or the replacement character used from Excel. In the Change to, enter ~b~k for return and line feed.
Select Change All and choose Done.

8. Highlight the encoded data and select the IDAutomation2D font.

9. If the barcode has white horizontal lines, modify the spacing.
Adjust the spacing until it reaches the desired size square without spacing.

10. The 2D barcode is created.

Posted 2.3 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (3)
I had the image setting guy (he uses InDesign) try to make it work by changing the font that came with the barcode generator, but it still didn't look right. Does this mean I need the Encoder part? All we purchased was the Native barcode generator for Excel (IDA125).

We are only using it for a sequential number. The new inserter we have uses a high-speed camera & it picks up the 2D code faster & better than plain numbers.

Posted 2.4 year(s) ago

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To save a 2D code in a CSV file you need to save the text formatted to the 2D font only. You will not be able to save images in a CSV file. The 2D text formatted to the font contains multiple lines and this can also be a problem for CSV files. If this information doesn’t help, let us know exactly what you’re trying to do and what application you were trying to create the barcode within and we’ll see if we can find a better solution.

Posted 2.4 year(s) ago

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While you can save 2D encoded data using the first few steps available in this post, it is not practical to display a barcode in the CSV. If it is blank, review the steps in the tutorial to ensure the data is encoded.

Posted 2.4 year(s) ago

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