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SC7-USB-2D Reader settings PQA Data Matrix ECC 200

This is the PQA output as it appears when verifying into Notepad (windows7), device SC7USB2D:
1. What do I need to do to have the report formatted correctly? (I already tried the Swedish settings barcode).

2. The string that I read looks like this(we use a "nibbled code" (no better translation, meaning we reduce the code to keep the label not greater than 10X10 mm). See the table below.


What do I need to do to have displayed like that, or even better in clear text:

¨d1A% AKu3Hd3(XS <=== result from PQA
¨Z3 :: PQA from Hand Held Products ;;DATA MATRIX ECC200Ö 32 x 32 modules in size Data FieldÖ 62 data / 36 chks in 1 block)s= of GF)256= X roughly ´0.009ÄåB¨; Fixed PatternsÖ 1 module errorsåA¨; Data Safety Margin ´100%åB¨; Horizontal Print Growth ´`29% of XåC¨; Vertical Print Growth ´`36% of X

3. The report arrives "slowly" like it was typed in. What do I need to do to have it displayed faster?

Values are encoded according to the table below:

Binary Hex Value
0000 0 0
0001 1 1
0010 2 2
0011 3 3
0100 4 4
0101 5 5
0110 6 6
0111 7 7
1000 8 8
1001 9 9
1010 A .
1011 B +
1100 C -

Operating System: Windows 7

Application: Notepad, Excel

01-29-15     9.9 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

1. Are you speaking of how the data is passed to applications such as Notepad? This is the standard format for how the data is entered into applications. You could use another application to manipulate how it is organized such as our PQA Capture Add-in for Excel This is how it is transferred by default.

2. Based on the tilde ASCII values, it looks as if several functions are encoded into the barcode. If you are using IDAutomation products to generate Data Matrix and ApplyTilde is not enabled, the encoded data will appear as you described with the ~d.... in applications.

However, if ApplyTilde is enabled and is scanned into a text editor or application, it will perform the appropriate functions of the ASCII values. If the barcode is scanned into the ASCII String Decoder with ApplyTilde enabled in the created barcode, it will display the functions. Here is an example:

3. There is nothing that you can do to make it display faster, it is a limitation of the computer and the scanner when displaying scanned information. It is interpreted as if it is keyed in.

Posted 9.9 year(s) ago

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