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SC7-USB-2D USB Virtual Com Driver for 64 Bit Windows

We know that the typical settings on an SC7-USB-2D use the USB drivers installed by the operating system (as we have on Mac, Windows, and Linux).

We know that the drivers installed by default do not require any extra involvement on our part since the scanner is treated as a keyboard by those operating systems.

We need help with the drivers for some of the SC7-USB-2D scanners using USB Virtual COM emulation on 64-bit Windows since we have some applications that will only accept COM input.

When we switch the emulation over by scanning the barcode on the manual (PDF page 17, web page 21), called “USB Virtual COM”, Windows starts looking for the driver, but then states it could not find the drivers needed.

Thank you for your guidance!

Operating System: Windows 64 bit

Application: Environments that require COM input

11-18-13     11.1 year(s) ago    

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NOTE: The following process:
* Is not officially supported by IDAutomation Technical support, as it is outside of the scope of support, and is provided here as a courtesy.
* Is not necessary for typical use of the SC7-USB-2D, as the drivers are automatically maintained and installed by each operating system (OS) vendor.
* Only applies to 64-bit versions of the Microsoft Windows® OS and programs that require the older COM-based input system.

USB Virtual COM Emulation:
The drivers spoken of may be obtained by Honeywell since they maintain the driver.

Download and extract the HSM USB Serial WHQL package.

If the driver is not available, search the site for "HSM USB Serial Driver."

* Before continuing with the driver installation, please unplug the SC7-USB-2D while it is still in USB mode (if not, you may scan the 'USB HID (PC)' barcode in the manual).
* As Administrator, run the file called 'Install_x64.bat' (from a local directory with read/write permissions, not a network location) and let the installer finish.
* Plug the SC7-USB-2D back into a different USB port to force Windows to search for the driver.
* Confirm successful driver installation by checking Control Panel > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT)- you should see the scanner recognized as something similar to '5180 Area Imager (COM #), where COM # is the next COM port- automatically assigned (yours might look a little different):


To modify the COM port:
* Right-click on the 5180 Area Imager (COM #) > Properties:


Back to USB Mode:
* To return to the default USB mode, scan the 'USB HID (PC)' barcode in the manual.
* The '5180 Area Imager (COM #)' device will no longer show in Device Manager.

Posted 11.1 year(s) ago

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