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QR Barcode isn't displaying anything

I have followed the example of creating a formula in Crystal Reports and it doesn't show any code at all.

Here is the example code.

stringVar DataToEncode:= {Table1.Path};
stringVar CompleteBarcodeString:="";
numberVar i:=0;
numberVar Segments:= IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRSet(DataToEncode,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 );
For i:=0 to Segments Do
CompleteBarcodeString := CompleteBarcodeString + IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRGet(i);

{Table1.Path} = "X:BC1. OCRAnglian Water Total Reward StatementsAnglian Water Total Reward Statements A4.pds"

I intend to use the barcode in a production system to shell out the path in the barcode to start printing scripts.

Can anyone help? I am running Crystal Reports XI on a Windows 7 OS.


03-28-12     12.7 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Right finally got this to work!

I couldn't get the crystal component to work inside Visual Studio .Net 2003 even though we have upgraded our version of Crystal Reports to XI. All the references pointed to the Crystal XI but it still wouldn't work, even though it worked fine in Crystal Reports itself.

Following the code sample the routine created a character string that is turned into the barcode by a font. I referenced the idautomation.qrcode.dll, install path is C:Windows, in my visual studio project.

Here is the code snippet.

Dim EncodedData As String
EncodedData = NewBarcode.FontEncode(CType(dst.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("PresPath"), String).Replace("", "/"), True, QRCodeBarcode.QRCodeBarcode.EncodingModes.Byte, QRCodeBarcode.QRCodeBarcode.Versions.AUTO, QRCodeBarcode.QRCodeBarcode.ErrorCorrectionLevels.M)

dst.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("QR_Barcode") = EncodedData

This created the string needed to create the barcode. I then passed this into Crystal as a string field. I changed the font on the field to the IDAUTOMATION2D font and all is well.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (4)
Hi, I checked where the DLLs are located but this still hasn't worked.

We bought the product and this didn't make any difference either. I will call you later Today.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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I believe I may have found the problem.

I just helped out another client with the same problem. The QRCode package was being used on a Windows 2008 Server, and the QRCode would disappear for normal users that were not the administrator.

The problem was that the installer placed the encoder files in the Windows folder under the administrator directory instead of the C:Windows folder.

Here is what we did.
Navigate to the Windows folder under the administrator folder, and run the
IDAutomation_QR-Code_COM_Interop_Unregister.bat file to unregister the encoder.
Then move the following files to the C:Windows folder.
Then run the IDAutomation_QR-Code_COM_Interop_Register.bat file to re-register the encoder.

This should fix the problem.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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There is no error and there is nothing in the encoding line at all. It is as though it is clearing the data string, I have tried to hard code Datagraphic Test instead of pulling from the database.

I must also say that this is the evaluation version. We are just testing. Upon completion, we will be purchasing the license assuming I can get this to work.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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The code above looks good, is there an error being thrown at all?
Can you see the encoded data in the preview by using a normal font like Arial, or Times New Roman?
For QRCode it should look like a long string of letters.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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