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Crystal reports 8.5 QR - chars limited to 254

Crystal report 8.5 limits chars to 254. My client needs 3 different numbers for QR. The length of these values is 46 chars (254-46 = 208 left).
When I use the function IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRGet(i) It encodes it to over 254 chars. Is there a way to bypass this somehow?

And are there documents for this function?

br. Janek

numberVar Segments:= IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRSet(DataToEncode, ProcTilde, EncMode, Version, ErrorCorrectionLevel,0,0);
For i:=0 to Segments Do
CompleteBarcodeString := CompleteBarcodeString + IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRGet(i);

06-16-20     4.6 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

I recommend trying VB Syntax such as the formula I entered below. Make sure you are also using the latest version of the IDAutomation product. If you can upgrade Crystal to version 9 or greater I believe that would also resolve the issue.

Posted 4.6 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (7)
The issue is that stringVar max length is 254.

But I can add many StringVars into the crystal report text object that displays the QR code.

Posted 4.6 year(s) ago

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Unfortunately, it does not work.
I have an idea to fix this issue I have but it requires me to have a good understanding of how 'IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRGet(numberVar)' works.
I need to know which part of the encoded code includes data from 'DatatoEncode'.

So far I did figure out that the ending is always the same (HHHHHHHPHHHHPHHHHHHPPHPPHHPP)

Posted 4.6 year(s) ago

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It looks like you are trying to encode GS1 QR Code. The lowest version of Crystal Reports we have to test with is 9. In version 9 this formula works - but in VB Syntax. Note that for GS1 QR Code, you must use ~1 for each FNC1 and not include another ~1 unless you need another FNC1.

Dim DataToEncode as String
'Modify DataToEncode to connect to the data source;
'For example: 'DataToEncode = ({DataTable.DataField})
'To append the FNC 1 character to the beginning of your data use ~1.
'For example: 'DataToEncode = "~1" & ({DataTable.DataField})
DataToEncode = "~1011234567890123021111111111032222222222"

' Symbology Parameters
Dim ProcTilde As Number
ProcTilde = 1 'If = 1 the Tilde will be processed |
Dim EncMode As Number
EncMode = 0 '0=Binary | 1=0nly numbers and uppercase letters | 2=Numbers only
Dim ErrorCorrectionLevel As Number
ErrorCorrectionLevel = 0 '0=15% | 1=30% | 2=7% | 3-25% |
Dim Version As Number
Version = 0 '0=Automatic |
Dim BestMask As Number
BestMask = 1 'If = 1 a best mask pattern will be processed
Dim QuietZone As Number
QuietZone = 0

' End Symbology Parameters
Dim CompleteBarcodeString as String
CompleteBarcodeString = ""
Dim i As Number
i = 0
Dim Segments As Number
Segments = IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRSet(DataToEncode, ProcTilde, EncMode, Version, ErrorCorrectionLevel, BestMask, QuietZone)
For i = 0 to Segments
CompleteBarcodeString = CompleteBarcodeString & IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRGet(i)
Next i
Formula = CompleteBarcodeString

Posted 4.6 year(s) ago

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That does not work. It gives that same error. And Crystal reports 8.5 uses & not + ;)

Posted 4.6 year(s) ago

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stringVar DataToEncode := "(01)1234567890123(02)1111111111(03)2222222222"
and see if that works. If it does, it's not something with Crystal Reports itself. I believe you have to use "+" instead of "&" in the Crystal syntax, so maybe DataToEncode:= a + b + c; would work.

Posted 4.6 year(s) ago

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New blank file.
I somewhy I can not upload a zip file.

Formula field code:

//Symbology Parameters
// Set DataToEncode:= to the field of the data source,
// for example: stringVar DataToEncode:= ({TestData.DataField});
stringVar a := "(01)1234567890123";
stringVar b := "(02)1111111111";
stringVar c := "(03)2222222222";
//stringVar DataToEncode:= a & b & c; //this does not work
stringVar DataToEncode := Right(a&b&c, 36); //this works, but it is missing 12 chars
numberVar ProcTilde:= 0;
numberVar EncMode:= 0;
numberVar Version:= 0;
numberVar ErrorCorrectionLevel:= 0;

// - Do not make changes below this line -
stringVar CompleteBarcodeString:="";
numberVar i:=0;

numberVar Segments:= IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRSet(DataToEncode, ProcTilde, EncMode, Version, ErrorCorrectionLevel,0,0);
For i:=0 to Segments Do
CompleteBarcodeString := CompleteBarcodeString + IDAutomationQRCodeEncoderQRGet(i);

Posted 4.6 year(s) ago

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this is not a known issue. Can you find the example included in the purchased product and then modify the example with static data and see if the issue still exists there? If it does, Place it in a zip file and upload it to this incident so we can evaluate more.

Posted 4.6 year(s) ago

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