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Crystal Reports UFL Errors U2lcom U212com and Solutions

A Crystal Reports UFL error such as "u212com.dll that implements this function is missing" occurs when running a report. This applies to the following products:
· Barcode Fonts using the Crystal UFL.
· The Hybrid version of the Native Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports.

Operating System: Windows

Application: Crystal Reports

11-18-14     10.1 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

The preferred solution to this issue is to use the Font Formulas for Crystal Reports or the Native Barcode Generator for Crystal Reports because these do not require the UFL to generate barcodes. These products are only supplied in the latest purchased version and will be located within the integration folder of the zip file download.

Error Messages:
· UFL 'u2lcom.dll' that implements this function is missing.
· UFL 'u212com.dll' that implements this function is missing.

These errors are very misleading, as it makes the user believe that the error is with the DLL in the error message (which is a Crystal Reports communication driver) when in reality, it means:

The UFL is not installed/registered properly: Verify the UFL is properly installed by either using the installer or by following the redistribution directions.

The UFL functions are unreachable: The typical scenario for this cause is using a .Net redistributable variety of Crystal Reports in a custom application project that is compiled for 'Any CPU', yet running on a 64-bit machine that does not have the 64 bit UFL DLL installed (which is automatically installed if the installer detects a 64-bit architecture).


Obtain the latest version of the UFL and verify it is properly installed by running the example provided in the barcode package. Installation may be either the installer or by following the redistribution directions. If the examples provided by the installation package run without error, use a process of elimination to find the issue. Be sure to check all of the formulas in the report to make sure they are calling the correct UFL.

Note: These error codes might also be seen in a server-based variety of Crystal Reports. In the case the report will be viewed/used from the server itself, make sure the IDAutomation Barcode Font and UFL are installed on the server itself. In the case where the report is stored on a server, but viewed/used on individual machines, each machine viewing/using that report must have the barcode font and UFL installed.

Make sure the PC generating the error has the .NET Framework 3X (such as 3.5) installed. If the system does not have these versions of the framework installed, uninstall the product and reinstall using the installer provided in the ".NET Framework 4.5 UFL Installer" folder of the downloaded zip file. This UFL will support all versions of .NET Framework 4.5 greater, including .NET Framework 4.8.

Try installation on another PC to see if it is something on that PC causing the error such as a corrupt install of Crystal reports or a corrupt installation of the .NET Framework.

If everything above fails, try generating the barcode server side and stream it into the report. Refer to the Crystal Reports Streaming Barcode Integration Guide. In some rare cases, it may be necessary to use this method.

More about this issue is documented in the SAP Discussion Archives.

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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