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Setting Barcode Properties When Using the Excel Add-In

We are using the Data Matrix Barcode Font Package. While using it in combination with a mail merge, I cannot discover how to preset the format of the DataMatrix barcodes (such as 20 x 20). It appears that the Addin automatically determines what the size should be when the conversion is made.

I realize that if a larger size is needed, the add-in will automatically increase the format to the smallest size that will fit the information being encoded, but I would like to be able to force smaller amounts of information to be encoded into a larger format, for standardization.

Can you provide some guidance?

Operating System: Windows

Application: Excel, Word

02-14-17     8 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Try the following (choose one or the other):

1. Using the Add-In:

In green: Remove the _ASCII bit of the function name.
In red: Press Fx and enter the Preferred Format parameter number you wish to use.

2. Using the VBA:
• Uninstall the Add-In
• Post: How to encode Data Matrix Barcodes using VBA in Excel
• The VBA file is generally located in the .zip download: IntegrationExcel & Access VBAIDAutomation_Datamatrix_Macro.bas
• General VBA instructions

Posted 8 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (2)
I can't seem to find any details on the configuration of the EncDM_ASCII() function that the add-in uses, to figure out how to pass the format option to it. I tried experimenting to see if I could guess at it, but modifications end in a #VALUE error in Excel.

How would I modify the below entry to indicate a 24x24 format?


The table indicates that the format number is 7, but anyway I pass the additional variable to the function resulting in a #Value error.

=EncDM_Ascii("Testing", 7) results in a #Value

Posted 8 year(s) ago

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Try and modify the Add-In function, similar to this post, but change the PreferredFormat property*.

*The Formats can be generally found here.

Posted 8 year(s) ago

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