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Rendering-Problem with IDAutomation2D - TTF-Fonts on Firefox on SLES11SP3 and OpenSuse 11.4, Ubuntu Ubuntu 15.10

If we put a 2D-Matrix-Font in our HTML-Code, the "P" isn't rendered correctly as a MatrixCode-Font. Instead, it is rendered as a "P" (see attached Screenshot).
The HTML-Code is the following:

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"/>
<meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 14"/>
<meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 14"/>
<link rel="File-List" href="ZULA_MAIL_TEMPLATE_CL_INSTALL-Dateien/filelist.xml"></link>
<link rel="themeData" href="ZULA_MAIL_TEMPLATE_CL_INSTALL-Dateien/themedata.thmx"></link>
<link rel="colorSchemeMapping"
href="ZULA_MAIL_TEMPLATE_CL_INSTALL-Dateien/colorschememapping.xml"> </link>


<body lang="DE" link="blue" vlink="purple" style='tab-interval:35.4pt'>

<div class="WordSection1">

<p> Datamatrix Code für den Text: <br />IDAUTOMATION DataMatrix Font and Encoder<br />
IDAUTOMATION DataMatrix Font and Encoder<br />
IDAUTOMATION DataMatrix Font and Encoder<br />

<p> Barcode für den Text: CODE-128</p>
<p style="font-family:'IDAutomationC128M';">ÃCODE-128OÃ</p>



On Window System it is rendered correct (Firefox and Internet Explorer).

Operating System: SLES11SP3

Application: Firefox 24.8.0

12-17-15     9.1 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

By the way: if we manipulate the IDAutomation2D.ttf and insert a little rectangle in the blank "P"-Glyph, the MatrixCode is rendered correctly (apart from that little point that won't bother the scanner).
This would be a possible workaround.
Unfortunately, I don't think we are allowed to change the TTF considering the font License.

Posted 9 year(s) ago

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We use the C/C++ .NET font encoder to produce the String for HTML.

But the problem isn't the encoder.
If you have a "P" in the String, which means a blank rectangle glyph, Firefox on SLES-Machine renders a "P" instead of the blank rectangle.

We installed the following fonts from the "Data Matrix Font and Encoder Advantage" package on the system:
IDAutomation2D.ttf Version 2015 2D Font

And then open the given html code in Firefox on this machine.

Posted 9 year(s) ago

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What IDAutomation font encoder are you using from the Data Matrix Font and Encoder Package?

Posted 9 year(s) ago

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Hi Ben, thank you, for your answer!
We don't want to create barcodes for the web. Instead, we want to produce PDF from HTML on a SuSe Linux machine. We want to do this with the package. This package uses a web toolkit to render HTML code to PDF. But there is the described problem with the "P".
Is it a known bug?

Posted 9 year(s) ago

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What application are you attempting to create barcodes? Creating barcodes for the web? if so, how are you encoding the Data Matrix data?

Consider using a web product that generates an image of a barcode instead of a font.

Posted 9.1 year(s) ago

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