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Only certain encoded digits are unreadable - why?

We are using the IDAutomation Excel add-in to encode large volumes of data into Code 128, and are importing the resulting encoded Excel document into Adobe InDesign to automate the production of barcoded tags. We have encountered an issue where certain letter-number combinations produce an unreadable barcode. It isn't large sets of barcodes - it is isolated barcodes within the large set. For example "NC0805," "NC0806" and "NC0808" are readable, while "NC0807" is not. In fact, some numbers appear repeatedly in the "unreadable" category, such as 5907 and 9107. Please assist!

EDIT 3/13/2013 1:48 PM: - These combinations are consistently unreadable. I can hold a scanner over them repeatedly and they won't register.

Operating System: Windows Vista Home Premium

Application: Excel, InDesign

03-13-13     11.8 year(s) ago    

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Thanks for the attachment. I was not able to scan any of the barcodes.

What is the font size/point size of the barcodes?

Does the data in the human-readable represent the actual barcode?

I am able to encode values such as NC0807 and scan the barcode using the Add-In/VBA.

As a test, look at the actual encoded data characters by setting the typeface/font of the barcode to Arial. Can you do this for the value NC0807? I noticed the bar structure is slightly different. Verify that you are using the latest version of the Barcode Add-In or IDAutomation VBA.

In the image, the first two are the barcode encoded with NC0807. The second row represents the encoded data without the barcode font. If your data is the same, the encoded data will be identical to the example.

Posted 11.8 year(s) ago

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The process I'm using the barcodes for requires no human-readable text, and I already am using the Code 128 Barcode. The issue is that some data, once encoded, is not readable even by a barcode scanner. As I mentioned, it only appears to be present for certain number series, though it is not entirely consistent.

Posted 11.8 year(s) ago

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When using the Barcode Add-In, are you encoding the Code 128 using Code 128 or Code 128 HR? Consider encoding with the Code 128 Barcode Add-in option. To create a barcode with human readable underneath, create a second field that will hold the human-readable data. It will be similar to the video tutorial that describes how to encode Code 128 and include a separate field:

Though the video describes how to mail merge into Word, the process of encoding the data should be the same.

Posted 11.8 year(s) ago

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