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Generate QR barcode in Crystal Report in VS .net 2010

How I can create the QR bar code in the crystal report in 2010? the encode function is not available there. the functions shown on the standalone crystal report.

Please help!



Operating System: Windows 7

08-28-14     10.4 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Because we do not have a font formula that can embed directly into the field for QR codes, I do not believe you will be able to generate the barcode in the application. Unfortunately, it comes down to a couple of options, speed (using either the Hosted Service or another streaming product) vs. inability to be able to generate the barcode in the environment.

I will suggest another solution, it is similar to the Hosted Service but you can host it on your server, the Barcode Streaming Component for IIS 2D version (includes QR Code). If you can create a setting for a local implementation, then an internet connection is not required.

I apologize but this may be the only solution.

Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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Hi Ben:
I tried the demo version of the Barcode Streaming Component for the IIS 2D version ( and I like it very much and it works on both our web app and the standalone crystal report. but I have a question about it, is there a character limit for this? I know the one we bought has a limit.

I think that we are going to consider buying the Barcode Streaming Component for IIS 2D version and installing it to our local server, so it will give us better speed.

Because we already bought the crystal UFL and encoder solution last week, what can we do to switch to this Streaming solution for QR code?

Please let me know so I can talk to my manager.



Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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Hi Ben:
Thank you for all of your help.

I think that is right. our case is that we need a QR barcode for a standalone crystal report, we are using crystal report 11. then we need the same QR bar code generated in the crystal report in 210 and above, which will be exported to PDF and print. the application is a web app but it is preferred to be able to be used as local. that means the bar code can be generated without an internet connection.

we just bought the QR bar code font and encoder from you and it seems like works fine with the stand-alone Crystal 11, but you can see we have a problem with the crystal report in the application. based on your comments, it seems like the streaming image generation method must have an internet connection and it may have a speed issue and the speed is the most important to us.

Please recommend which of your product is best for us.

Thank you very much


Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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When you mention that it does not work, does this refer to the earlier post regarding the barcode not visible on the report? If so, this is because the development machine has the font. Font setup can be very tricky when dealing with deployment. The font would need to be embedded. If the destination machine does not have the font installed on it and it is not embedded in the report, it will not be visible.

As mentioned, the best solution might be the Streaming Solution since it generates an image of the barcode.

Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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It works when it is running on the development server, but when it is deployed to another server, it does not work anymore. on the developed machine, I installed the encoder and font. is there any other thing I need to install to make it work?



Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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Unfortunately, the Font and encoder solution is not the best solution for the .NET version of Crystal Reports. Do you have access to the formula editor? It is possible that you may also run into a UFL issue with this solution. The recommended solution for your implementation is a Streaming solution such as the:

· ASP Streaming Component for IIS
· IDAutomation Hosted Service - Dynamic Barcode Generator

Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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