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Spaces at end of string being removed by Datamatrix VBA encoder for Excel

Hello, I think I may have discovered a problem with the "VBA Source for Data Font Matrix Encoder V7.01" not encoding spaces at the end of the data string.

The above VBA module is loaded in the Excel workbook and the command to encode the string is "=EncNDM(D5,0,1,12)". Each data string is made up of a concatenation of other fields, the last field containing spaces for padding purposes. The barcode appears to be successfully created and then merged to Word and the ID Automation Datamatrix font applied.

However, when verifying the 2D barcode, the last spaces are stripped out of the data string. These spaces are important as a mask is applied upon reading the code. If these last spaces are missing then the code fails as it is not what should be encoded - encoded 100 characters, the scanner returns 90, and the last 10 characters are spaces.

Interestingly, if I use the stand-alone program "ID Automation DataMatrix Font Encoder for Windows, V1.31" and encode the same 100-character string, it DOES encode the spaces!

Can you tell me why the Excel VBA module removes the last non-printable characters (spaces) when your other tool does not? Is there an update to the VBA script that fixes this bug, or is there something I am doing wrong?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Regards, Alan

Operating System: Windows 7

Application: Microsoft Excel 2010

12-17-15     9.2 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

2016 Update:
A new product (Native Barcode Generator for Excel) has been released since this question was resolved that offers an easier method of generating barcodes in Excel.

The version you currently own is no longer supported by IDAutomation. You may review our latest version of the Data Matrix Font Package released in 2015.

Data Matrix Release Log

You may also demo the most recent version.

Here is an example of encoding data in Excel
A1 = 123
A2 = (three spaces)
A3 = 456



Posted 9.2 year(s) ago

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Yes, it works with spaces at the very end of the data.



If you have additional questions, let me know.

Posted 9.2 year(s) ago

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Thanks for your comment, Ben.

The example you posted is not the problem I'm reporting as your spaces are in the middle of the data string - it's what would happen if the spaces were at the end.

Encode this into Excel:
A1 = 123
A2 = 456
A3 = (three spaces)

The three spaces in cell A3 are not encoded.


Does the latest version of the Data Matrix Font Package fix this bug? I shall certainly try the latest version as long as it doesn't impact my current installation.



Posted 9.2 year(s) ago

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