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EAN128 in Crystal Reports


I am looking to recreate an EAN128 label in Crystal Reports. Currently, we have a program where the labels have to be entered manually but we are looking for our ERP to automatically produce the labels once the products are selected.
We bought the IDAutomation C128 font advantage package and the Crystal UFL.
The formula we use to generate the barcode is
IDAutomation_Code128ApplyTilde("Ô17"+ totext({?BB},"yyMMdd")+"Ô01"+{Enter.Barcode HR})

?BB is a parameter for the best before date and enter barcode is a database field. At the moment our partners cannot read the barcode. They can read the barcode from the previous program perfectly but not our crystal-generated ones.
When I scanned the barcodes I saw two differences between the Crystal generated barcode and the barcode in the program.
The Crystal generated barcode starts with the Date, then a symbol like a hook, then the 01, then the barcode, then (21)
The program generates the Date, then the 01, then the barcode, then (23)

I would like to know how can I generate our barcodes in the same format i.e. without the symbol after the date and with (23) instead of (21). Should I use a different formula or different font etc...

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

03-23-12     12.7 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

I re-created the barcode using your data and the scanned result without identifying the FNC and AI is: ~21217141231~2120105099879001008

When I scan the barcode into the ASCII String Decoder (which will reveal characters for AIs), I receive:


When I enable Decode FNC1 into the scanner and scan the barcode, the result is:

All of the results are correct and the encoder is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. Programming the scanner to decode the FNC1 is also correct.

You do not mention if you are encoding fixed-length fields. That could possibly be the issue. If so, please view:

If the FNC1 is not required for fixed-length fields, you can leave them out, meaning leaving the ~212, etc out of the fixed length and including them in the variable fields.

Please view Code 128 GS1 at:

Symbol Size Reduction: The methods represented above insert FNC1 codes into the symbol. If symbol size needs to be minimized, multiple AIs may be included in a single barcode without encoding additional FNC1 codes, provided that variable-length AIs are included last. The parentheses may not correctly appear in the text interpretation of the symbol when using this method of encoding, however, they may be easily included by inserting a custom text field near the symbol if required.

If that is the case, then you could use:


Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (5)
Can you provide me with sample data (full value with FNCs, AI, etc) that is used to generate the barcode so that I can reproduce the issue?

Please also send the barcode to PDF and send it to

You may also want to scan the barcodes into the ASCII String Decoder to reveal any hidden characters, such as the AIs that you are encoding.

Free ASCII String Decoder:

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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I tried that but unfortunately, it still picks up the Fl character before the first AI and before the second AI. I tried a number of different combinations of the formula hardcoded but the result was the same.

Can I ask what this symbol means and should it just appear once at the start of the code? And if it should only appear once any ideas why it would appear twice? Spacing, parenthesis, etc.

When I removed the Expiration date the code is picked up and identified.

Sorry, I didn't shed much more light on the problem.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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Thanks, I'll try that and post my results on Monday.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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It appears that you are using the ApplyTilde function with the Direct ASCII Method. I am not sure if it is causing the problem or not. However, as a test, you could always hard code the value and see how it encodes the data.

For example (but use your own data value from the database)
IDAutomation_Code128ApplyTilde("~21217"+ "1234567890","120323" +"~21201"+"1234567890")

It might help determine the issue.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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Just to update my question. I think the (23/21) at the end had something to do with the wrong scanner settings but I suppose they still should be the same, but it is not appearing once the scanner was corrected.

The symbol has changed to something similar to a small F with an l F up high and I lower - Fl

Not sure if this helps but worth correcting.

Thanks again.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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