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How to recognize symbology and character set in a barcode


I would like to know if it is possible to recognize which symbology the barcode is and which character set it uses having the barcode already created (printed/scanned/etc.). In my specific scenario, I have a label that was generated by software and I know it uses Code 128 symbology, but I am not 100% sure what character set was used.

Is it possible to determine such information (symbology and character set) using any of your products? May it be achieved using some programming SDKs or standalone (GUI/Web) products etc?

Thank you.

Operating System: Windows 7

09-11-13     11.3 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

The best way to recognize the symbology or character set is to look at the first few bars and the last few bars of a barcode, also called the start/stop characters/codes.

How to Identify a Barcode Type?

How to Identify Code 128 Character Sets by looking at the start character bars?

Posted 11.3 year(s) ago

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I think I understand that. The answer I am looking for is to know if there is your software/utility/library or external software/utility/library which can analyze already printed barcode and indicate that the barcode was printed using Code 128 Auto symbology, which for this particular barcode was constructed using e.b. character set B and C. Is this possible?

Posted 11.3 year(s) ago

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There are so many variables regarding Code 128 (Code 128 Auto), you would actually want to read the symbology specification. Auto uses start A, start B, or start C, depending on the data.

Posted 11.3 year(s) ago

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Thank you, Ben. I reviewed the VBA code but I have problems with making any use of it. Are you able to give me some short tips on how to use it to recognize symbology and characters set having the barcode already printed/generated?

Posted 11.3 year(s) ago

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Code 128 Auto is a combination of A, B, and C. If you have the specs for Code 128, you may want to look at it. However, it is a bit complex to state every single scenario that causes a change in the character set. Therefore, you may take a look at our VBA code that displays the encoding.

Posted 11.3 year(s) ago

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Thank you Ben for your answer. The information you provided is very helpful.

There is only one topic missing - how Code 128 Auto is structured/constructed.

I know that in my specific scenario, the application generates a barcode in Code 128 Auto symbology. The value which is encoded is e.g. CF-13-123, CF-13-1234, etc. The answer I would like to get is how such values are going to be encoded. Based on the documentation:
- Code 128 A uses control characters, numbers, punctuation, and upper case.
- Code 128 B uses punctuation, numbers, upper case, and lower case.
- Code 128 C uses only numbers.
I presume it may be a combination of Code 128 A and Code 128 C, but my testing revealed, see that it is rather only Code 128 B (for CF-13-123 value) or some combination of Code 128 B and.... something (for CF-13-1234 value). I don't know how to analyze it, how to be 100% sure.

Do you or somebody else know how to figure it out?

Posted 11.3 year(s) ago

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