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What files need to be deployed for the GS1 Datamatrix font Endcoder

I have purchased the GS1 Datamatrix Font Encoder and it works fine compiled on my machine. When I deploy to a shared server and run on another machine getting a "class not registered" Exception (regdb_e_classnotreg)". It also works running on my machine from the server. Tried using the process monitor but did not find what library file is missing. Also installed the vb runtime package from your website and still getting the same message.

08-09-18     6.4 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

When using the Licensed version of the Data Matrix Font and Encoder Developer Suite, verify that all products from the order have been downloaded. There is a Developer Tools zip file that includes the .NET Forms Control.

If you are not able to locate the files, contact us and we can review the order.

Posted 6.4 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (5)
Verify that you have downloaded the demo version of the Font and Encoder Developer Suite from this demo page for Data Matrix. This package contains tools for Developers including the .NET Forms Control. The other two packages available on the page do not.


Posted 6.4 year(s) ago

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I am producing an image.

I am working in VS .Net using C#. I don't see a .Net component when adding the control so I added the Com component "IDautomation Datamatrix Barcode 1.803" (IDAutomationDMatrix.dll).

Posted 6.4 year(s) ago

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Please confirm:

Are you using the encoder dll with font to produce a barcode or are you using the dll to produce a barcode image?
Are you working with Visual Studio .NET or Visual Studio 6.0?

When it is mentioned that a font is not being deployed, I assume that the dll is used to produce a barcode image.

When a user or developer is using the Font and Encoder, the barcode is usually produced with a font and encoder dll. If you are working with Visual Studio .NET, the only component that needs to be deployed is the .NET Forms Control named idautomation.datamatrix.dll.

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Posted 6.4 year(s) ago

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Win Forms in Windows 7 environment.

As stated above, I am using the GS1 Datamatrix Font Encoder - no fonts are being deployed. I have copied the IDAutomationDMatrix.dll and IDAutomationDMatrix6.dll to the machine but no luck.

This is the line of code (control is on the form):
axDatamatrix1.DataToEncode = ChargeLine;

Posted 6.4 year(s) ago

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Generally, the two components (sometimes three) that need to be deployed when using the Data Matrix Font and Encoder are the font (IDAutomation 2D) and the encoder (dll, class, vba, source code). In order to be more specific, what environment are you attempting to produce barcodes in and what font encoder are you currently using?

Posted 6.4 year(s) ago

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