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Performance Connectivity Issue with Image Generator

We have two identical machines and we are creating 2D barcodes from a command line using the IDAutomation Linear + 2D Image Generator. One machine is fine and only takes about 1 second to generate the barcode. The other machine takes about 15 seconds. We have uninstalled the application and re-installed it, the results are the same.

Any ideas on what might be causing it or what to do to correct it?


Operating System: Windows server 2008

Application: IDAutomation Linear + 2D Image Generator

07-18-14     10.4 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Since both machines are equal and the Image Generator runs fine on one, that would rule out the Image Generator as the cause of the performance issue on the other.

The cause of the issues you are seeing could be that hardware is malfunctioning (which happens over time) or mean maintenance might need to be performed on the operating system (like defragging or error correction of the hard drive).

Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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The Image Generator does not check for updates nor does it have internet capabilities built in.

Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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Thanks for the update.

Could the software be checking for updates?

The reason I ask is that as soon as we restored internet connectivity, the problem went away,


Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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The Image Generator does not have internet capabilities built in, as the licensing is not key-based. Since your system lost internet connectivity at the same time the problems stated, that would indicate a system-wide issue not related to the Image Generator.

We have tested the Image Generator in various systems (over many years) and can state that the cause of your issue is not related to it (and therefore outside the scope of our support).

Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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The new version did not make a difference.

Does the application go out to the internet to check the license? We've not had an internet connection since the problem started and we're wondering if this could be related.


Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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An upgrade of the package might be in order (because of the inevitable changes made to the systems since 2008). To see if an upgrade will resolve these issues, download the latest Linear + 2D demo of the Barcode Image Generator (make sure you still have a copy of the original download before uninstalling it and installing the demo version).

If the speed issue is:
· Resolved - upgrade to the latest Linear + 2D version, using your order number and matching the license type.
· Not Resolved – change to newer machines or have your administrator run local diagnostics to root out the true cause (whether hardware or software-based using their expertise).

Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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Now our second machine is also having the same problem. We also noticed that just starting the id automation software takes about 15 seconds to load. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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Besides a reinstalling of the Barcode Image Generator, the only other observation that can be made is the fact that something has changed (given the purchase date of the order is in 2008). Since the Barcode Image Generator is installed equally across all machines and both machines are stated to be equal in hardware capabilities, it can be deduced that it is another factor (outside the Barcode Image Generator, on the slower machine) that is causing a delay.

Your system administrator might be able to run local diagnostics to root out the true cause.

Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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Thanks, James. We've done both and still no difference.

Even the application opens slower than the other machine.

Any other ideas?


Posted 10.4 year(s) ago

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