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The IDAPDF417.jar file that we purchased from you last year does not work in Oracle.

The IDAPDF417.jar file we purchased from you last year doesn't work in Oracle. The demo version works fine. We need the correct version of this file so we can use in it Production.

05-23-12     12.5 year(s) ago    

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Solution Notes to Users: Always use the most recent Java Component Version. See Release Notes.

Use the Java Component to Create Barcodes in Oracle Reports.

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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IDAutomation Java product is the best product. I would give it 5 Stars (*****) out of 5. It can be easily integrated with barcodes (1D and 2D) to Oracle Report, XML Publisher, BI Publisher, Oracle Forms, and APEX. :)

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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Testing with the new file went well!! Creating a release for PROD to see how it goes. Thanks, Ben!!!

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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We did research the Oracle forum link. We are looking at the solutions provided there.

However, we can see stark differences between the Demo Jar File and the Production Jar File version and the code in them.

Demo Version: 1.4.2_07
Prod Version: 1.3.0

Can you confirm if the version of demo file 1.4.2_07 has a corresponding Production/Live version?

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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Have you searched Oracle's website? If not we recommend it as there might be several related resolutions or posts. If the issue was specifically related to the component where it was not working then we would be able to investigate, but the issue you are experiencing is not covered under our support. If you would like to set up a meeting/screen share so we can see the issue, you will need to make sure your Priority Support is updated:

Based on the information you have provided, your support cost would be $969 for the PDF417 Font Advantage Package Unlimited Developer License:

There is no guarantee we will be able to investigate or resolve the issue due to the error message you have reported because our testing result might not be able to reproduce the error. However, we may be able to provide information and links to the Oracle site which might resolve the issue.

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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We are facing an issue even when we try to import the jar file in the rdf.

If you want we can do a screen share to show you what I am saying. I can send you the version of the jar file we have for PROD so you can test it on your end.

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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The Sale version of the IDAPDF417.jar file was tested on Oracle 9i and 10g before the 2D Component's last release. Today, we verified the implementation without errors. If the issue was from the IDAPDF417.jar file, then it wouldn't have worked for us or other customers that have used it. I highly recommend looking at the Oracle link I provided. Unfortunately, this is all we can recommend as we do not provide support for Oracle-specific errors.

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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The error is not specific to Oracle. We have tested this report using both the jar file versions, the demo, and the Production version.
It fails when we use the Production jar file but works fine with the demo version.

This is why we need the correct version for our Production.

We can demonstrate the issue on call if you want to see this being replicated.

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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Review the possible solution to the ORA-39565 Error Message.

The PDF417.jar (licensed version and demo version) is built using the same source.

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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We are getting this error:

REP-1401: 'imageformula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.
ORA-39565: Message 39565 not found; product=RDBMS; facility=ORA

The report works fine when we use the demo version of the jar file. But when we use the Production version, the above error occurs.

Report version used :
Please let me know if you need the 2 jar file versions I am talking about.


Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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What is your order number for the product?

I will need more information to determine the issue. Are you receiving an error? Can you explain what you mean by "doesn't work?" What version of Oracle Reports are you running?

Posted 12.5 year(s) ago

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