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Java Font Encoder Class Error Registry Issue

We are using the QR Code Font and Encoder to encode data with the class and jar files provided by IDAutomation. We are following the Oracle BIP EBS Integration Guide. We have compiled the Java file and registered the Java program as a Concurrent Program in the Oracle EBS Application and scheduled the program, but unfortunately, the Java concurrent program is ending with an error:
"/qrcode/barcodeutilQRCode : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0"
Please find the attached log file showing the error.
Please tell us the reason for the issue we are facing.
Thanks in advance!


05-24-22     2.8 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Compile the into a new class to specifically target the version. The major version 51 is Java 7.

javac -target 1.7

Ensure that the class is compiled in a version lower or the same as the one in which the project is run.

Posted 2.8 year(s) ago

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Hi Team,

Thanks for your support.

Currently, we are not facing any issues which are mentioned above in this thread. The issue that we got earlier was due to the wrong registration of the Java class file in the Oracle EBS application and the same was corrected by some of our team members. Other than this we didn't modify anything.

Posted 2.7 year(s) ago

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Our Oracle developer is out of the office until Tuesday. However, I did do some research on this error and it looks like a problem accessing a class that is not public. Try to make the class you are compiling public. If that does not work, try to call setAccessible(true) before.

Posted 2.7 year(s) ago

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Hi Team,

we are getting this following error in xdo.log file [052722_090126966][][ERROR] java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class oracle.apps.xdo.template.rtf.util.XDOBarcodeUtil can not access a member of class oracle.xdo.template.rtf.util.qrcode.barcodeutilQRCode with modifiers ""

Please tell us the possible reasons for this issue.

Thank you,
Sai Kumar

Posted 2.8 year(s) ago

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Hi Team,

We are running the project in JAVA 1.7 version, When we tried to run the project in the 1.8 version of JAVA it is working fine, but when we try to run on JAVA 1.6 and 1.7 versions it throws an error.

Oracle EBS will not support the 1.8 JAVA version.

Please tell us how to proceed further.

Thanks in advance!

Sai Kumar

Posted 2.8 year(s) ago

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The IDAutomation Java Font Encoder requires at least 1.4. We supply the source code to this encoder in the package if you need to compile it in another version of Java. The barcodeutilQRCode.class file is also compiled in 1.4 and includes the source.

Posted 2.8 year(s) ago

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Hi Team,

We are using the Java 1.7.0-281 version of Java on the system attempting to run the project. Also Please tell us the minimum JDK or JRE version required.

Thank you,

Sai Kumar

Posted 2.8 year(s) ago

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What version of the JDK or JRE runs on the system attempting to run the project? Try re-compiling the file and ensure the barcodeutilQRCode.class provided in the download is not used.

Posted 2.8 year(s) ago

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