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Bug in com.idautomation.linear.BarCode.setCheckCharacter/setCheckCharacterInText with setShowText

Hi, I'm trying to do something fairly simple, perhaps someone here could help me out.

I just want the human-readable text to NOT show a calculated check digit, for now, let's just talk about UPC-A.

I assumed this could be done with either setCheckCharacter(false) or setCheckCharacterInText(false), but neither seems to have any effect. Setting both to false also has no effect.
As long as setShowText(true) is called before painting the barcode, a check digit is calculated and shown when the data given is either 11 digits (needs check digit to be valid symbology, ok, I just don't want to see it in the human-readable part) or 12 digits (it overrides my given 12th digit with a correct check digit in the human-readable portion).

I have a code example detailing the issue if you would like to see it.

My LinearBarCode.jar manifest in case I need an upgrade -
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Specification-Title: Java Barcode Package
Created-By: 1.4.2_07 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Implementation-Title: Java Barcode Package
Specification-Vendor:, Inc.
Specification-Version: 4.10
java-Bean: True
Implementation-Version: 4.10
Name: com/idautomation/aztec/BarCode.class
Implementation-Vendor:, Inc.

Operating System: Windows 10

Application: Direct Use of LinearBarCode.jar

01-04-19     6.1 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

What you are trying to do in the Java Barcode Package is possible with Code-39 or ITF, but not UPC-A. By design, UPC-A requires a check digit and it must be displayed according to GS1. However, for Code-39 or ITF, you may choose to turn off the check digit display and still have it encoded in the barcode.

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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