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Encode GS, RS separators and EOT does not work in the Java Component.

We tried your suggestion:
You can encode your separators and EOT in the Java Component using:

~030 for RS
~029 for GS
~004 for EOT

You must also have ApplyTilde or ProcessTilde set to True.

We set the barcode.processTilde = true but it does not generate the field separators and EOT control characters.

Following is the test code;

public static byte[] getPDF417Barcode(String code, int rotate, int cols,
int ECLevel, boolean macroEnabled, int macroFileID,
boolean macroLastSeg, int macroSegIndex, int paddingLeft,
int paddingRight, int paddingTop, int paddingBottom) {

PDF417 barcode = new PDF417();
double scale = 1;
int len = code.length();
int numCols = getNumCols(len);

if (cols > 0 && cols >= numCols) {
barcode.PDFColumns = cols;
} else { // determine the number of columns for user
barcode.PDFColumns = numCols;

barcode.rotate = rotate;
barcode.processTilde = true;

if (ECLevel != 0) { barcode.PDFECLevel = ECLevel; }
else { barcode.PDFECLevel = 3; }

barcode.MacroPDFEnable = macroEnabled;
barcode.MacroPDFFileID = macroFileID;
barcode.MacroPDFLastSegment = macroLastSeg;
barcode.MacroPDFSegmentIndex = macroSegIndex;
barcode.PDFMode = 1;

barcode.setSize(getPDF417PreferredSize(len, cols));

// create barcode image
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(barcode.getSize().width,
barcode.getSize().height,BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED );

Graphics imgTempGraphics = img.createGraphics();

// remove excess whitespace
img = trimWhiteSpace(img, paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop,

// resize image if necessary
if (scale > 0) {
img = scaleImage(img, scale);

return getBinaryStream(img);

Test code as following:
package xxmc;
import com.idautomation.linear.BarCode;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
public class TestBarcode {
static InputStream inStream = null;
static BufferedImage img = null;
static byte[] blob = null;
static int paddingLeft = 5;
static int paddingRight = 5;
static int paddingTop = 5;
static int paddingBottom = 5;

public static void main(String[] args) {
StringBuilder tester = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=1; tester.length()<270; i++)
String data = tester.toString();
String data1= "~004TESTTHIS~029AGAIN~030ANOTHER";
try {

// test PDF417 barcode
blob = IDABarcode.getPDF417Barcode(data1, 0, 4, 3, false, 0,false, 0,
paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingBottom);
inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(blob);
img =;
ImageIO.write(img, "jpg",
new File("T:appbarcodePDF417Testa.jpg"));

blob = IDABarcode.getPDF417Barcode(data, 0, 4, 3, false, 0,false, 0,
paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop, paddingBottom);
inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(blob);
img =;
ImageIO.write(img, "jpg",
new File("T:appbarcodePDF417Testb.jpg"));

} catch (IOException e) {


We are using the IDAutomation Barcode Scanner ASCII Decoder for verifying the barcode.

03-21-12     12.6 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

NOTE: When encoding non-printable ASCII functions such as RS, GS, and EOT, IDAutomation recommends testing the result with the Barcode Decoder App because it reveals these characters in the result to verify proper encoding.

Your encoding mode is still set to 1, can you set it to 0.


Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (15)
You are very welcome.

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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Hi Ben,

Thank you very much for your help. We can move on with our testing.

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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Although you do not see the RS, it will be encoded--the ASCII String Decoder will not display the character. I believe a certain setting must be modified in the scanner to decode it.

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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I set the PDFMode=0 and ran the test again. The GS(29) and EOT(04) are showing on the PDF417, however, the RS(30) did not show. See the attached image and code.

// Copyright,, Inc. 2000-2004. All rights reserved.
// You may incorporate our Source Code in your application
// only if you own a valid Java Barcode Package License
// from, Inc. and the copyright notices
// are not removed from the source code.
import com.idautomation.pdf417.*;
import com.idautomation.pdf417.encoder.*;

class CreateJPEG

public static void main ( String [] args )

//Get the data to encode in barcode
String message = "~004" + "TESTTHIS" + "~029" + "AGAIN" + "~030" + "ANOTHER";
//BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ), 1 );
//System.out.print( "Enter data to encode: " );
String startString = "(";
String endString = ")";

PDF417 bc=new PDF417();

// set the data to encode

// create the file as the name of the message
barCodeEncoder bce;
bce = new barCodeEncoder(bc, "JPEG", "T:appbarcodeBCtestPDF417A.jpeg");



Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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We don't know the purchase date. Our client gave us the zip file and the order # is ****.

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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What is your order number? When did you purchase the package/software?

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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Following is my test code.
// Copyright,, Inc. 2000-2004. All rights reserved.
// You may incorporate our Source Code in your application
// only if you own a valid Java Barcode Package License
// from, Inc. and the copyright notices
// are not removed from the source code.
import com.idautomation.pdf417.*;
import com.idautomation.pdf417.encoder.*;

class CreateJPEG

public static void main ( String [] args )

//Get the data to encode in barcode
String message = "~004" + "TESTTHIS" + "~029" + "AGAIN" + "~030" + "ANOTHER";
//BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ), 1 );
//System.out.print( "Enter data to encode: " );
String startString = "(";
String endString = ")";

PDF417 bc=new PDF417();

// set the data to encode

// create the file as the name of the message
barCodeEncoder bce;
bce = new barCodeEncoder(bc, "JPEG", "T:\app\barcode\BCtestPDF417A.jpeg");


Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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Following is my code for generating the PDF417 barcode image.
// Copyright,, Inc. 2000-2004. All rights reserved.
// You may incorporate our Source Code in your application
// only if you own a valid Java Barcode Package License
// from, Inc. and the copyright notices
// are not removed from the source code.
import com.idautomation.pdf417.*;
import com.idautomation.pdf417.encoder.*;

class CreateJPEG

public static void main ( String [] args )

//Get the data to encode in barcode
String message = (char)4 + "TESTTHIS" + (char)29 + "AGAIN" +(char)30 + "ANOTHER";;
//BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ), 1 );
//System.out.print( "Enter data to encode: " );
String startString = "(";
String endString = ")";

PDF417 bc=new PDF417();

// set the data to encode

// create the file as the name of the message
barCodeEncoder bce;
bce = new barCodeEncoder(bc, "JPEG", "T:appbarcodeBCtestPDF417.jpeg");


Please help. Thanks.

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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I have attached a PDF417 barcode created with the Java Component. I encoded the TAB, GS, and EOT using ~009, ~029, and ~004. Please test scan this barcode.

Can you attach the barcode image that you have generated so that I can run a test scan on it?

When I scan my barcode sample into the ASCII String Decoder, the functions are decoded.

You may also use our Free ASCII String Decoder to display the separators and other functions:

Change the Encoding Mode from 1 to 0.

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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We tried and it does not work....

String data1= (char)4 + "TESTTHIS" + (char)29 + "AGAIN" +(char)30 + "ANOTHER";

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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I believe you could encode it similarly to this example:

String data1= (char)4 + "TESTTHIS" + (char)29 + "AGAIN" (char)30 + "ANOTHER";

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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We were passing ACSII 004. Not so sure about (char)4. Would you please provide a sample code?

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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Are you using char(04) or (char)4?

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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We tried your recommendation earlier but it does not work using char(04), etc...

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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You may also encode separator values for PDF417 using:

(char)29 for GS
(char)30 for RS
(char)4 for EOT

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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