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IDAutomation QRCode not working in Oracle Reports 10g(Linux)

After purchasing the IDA26-5DL Java Component package, we've downloaded the following signed jars: IDAAztec.jar IDADataMatrix.jar IDAMaxiCode.jar IDAPDF417.jar IDAQRCode.jar LinearBarCode.jar.

Once we are using Oracle Reports 10g as our reports server, installed in a Linux Distribution, we've uploaded them to the filesystem and configured the REPORTS_CLASSPATH environment variable pointing to that folder and including all those jar files. That variable has been declared in both and in the user profile that executes the reports.

However, we are not able to execute a report with a QR Code, the error is attached. If we create a report through Reports Builder, we are able to use IDAutomation libraries, and also, the report is being compiled successfully, but when executing it in runtime, it is failing with an error message, that seems to be related with the libraries not being declared.

We've checked all the related discussions in this forum, but none is really helping with our problem. We tried also in Oracle Reports 12c (in Linux) and the problem is the same.

Could you please support me?


Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Tikanga)

Application: Oracle Reports 10g and 12c

11-24-20     4.2 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Hi Team,

Increasing the ImageFile length didn't solve the problem.

But meanwhile, we tested the approach suggested in the following note:

Forcing the classPath variable (pointing to all the jar files that we've uploaded to the filesystem) in the <engine id="rwEng"> at rwserver.conf (or <reports_server_name>.conf) seems to have solved the issue.

The QRCode was printed in the .pdf now, however, it seems to be a little bit pixeled, with a shadow on it. Anyway, this is not the origin of this support ticket, we will open a different one if the issue persists.


Posted 4.2 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (3)
To resolve the pixeled shadow issue, try generating GIF instead of JPEG and see if that works.

Posted 4.2 year(s) ago

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Increase the ImageFile VarChar2(500); to a much larger value, such as 1000, 1500, or 2000.

If this does not resolve the issue, let us know.

Posted 4.2 year(s) ago

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This is the function code inside the report that seems to be failing:

function CF_1Formula return Char is
/*name of temp file. For 1D barcodes, set to VarChar2(250). For 2D barcodes, set to VarChar2(500).*/
ImageFile VarChar2(500);
/*object containing barcode properties*/
/*object that creates a jpeg of barcode based on BarcodeObject*/
BarcodeEncoderObject ORA_JAVA.JOBJECT;
/*Get a temporary file name for the jpeg*/
/*On Solaris Unix, use the following code to create the temp file: ImageFile := srw.create_temporary_filename() || '.jpg'; */
--original imageFile := srw.create_temporary_filename();
ImageFile := srw.create_temporary_filename() || '.jpg';
/*Create the barcode object. This example uses the LinearBarCode.jar*/
BarcodeObject :=;
/*set the data to encode*/
QRCode.setDataToEncode(BarcodeObject, to_char('TESTE'));
/*Create the jpeg*/
BarcodeEncoderObject :=, 'JPEG',ImageFile);
/*If, for some reason, the barcode is not created, return null otherwise, return the name of the barcode image jpeg that was created */
if ORA_JAVA.IS_NULL(BarcodeEncoderObject) then
end if;

And this is the error that is shown when running the report:

Terminated with error: <br>REP-1401: MSG-00001: JFO1 MSG-00001: JFO2 REP-1401: 'cf_1formula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.

In the logs, I can see:

[2020/11/24 1:11:37:275] Info 50132 (JobObject:reset): jobid = 91530 Get command line: baseUrl=http://***********:80/reports/rwservlet/getfile/ userid=***********@rmsmcpp statusformat=xml SERVER_NAME=*********** jobname="60079267_teste_qrcode" getFilestr=/no> imagekey=reports9i desname=/npo/reportspp/teste_qrcode_arcunha_24112020131136.pdf REMOTE_ADDR=*********** SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1 authid=RWUser destype=FILE REMOTE_HOST=*********** batch=YES SERVER_PORT=80 server="reprmsmcpp" report="teste_qrcode.rep" background=YES expiredays=0 desformat=PDF SCRIPT_NAME=/rwservlet baseimageurl=http://***********:80/reports/rwservlet/getfile/HW/YX89+FE3dFOoLleaCiQ2mKAO5


[2020/11/24 1:11:37:735] State 56016 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Job 91530 status is: Running the report Initializing report
[2020/11/24 1:11:37:735] Debug 50103 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Finished updating job: 91530
[2020/11/24 1:11:37:750] State 56016 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Job 91530 status is: Running the report Formatting page 1
[2020/11/24 1:11:37:750] Debug 50103 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Finished updating job: 91530
[2020/11/24 1:11:37:765] State 56016 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Job 91530 status is: Terminated with error:
REP-1401: MSG-00001: JFO1
MSG-00001: JFO2
REP-1401: 'cf_1formula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.

[2020/11/24 1:11:37:765] Debug 50103 (JobObject:writeLongUTF): Number of Break Index values=1
[2020/11/24 1:11:37:765] Debug 50103 (JobObject:writeLongUTF): String= MSG-00001: JFO1
MSG-00001: JFO2
REP-1401: 'cf_1formula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.
[2020/11/24 1:11:38:476] Debug 50103 (JobManager:notifyWaitingJobs): Master job 91530 notify its duplicated jobs.
[2020/11/24 1:11:38:476] Debug 50103 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Finished updating job: 91530
[2020/11/24 1:11:38:476] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:updateEngineState): Engine rwEng-0 status is 1
[2020/11/24 1:11:38:476] State 56004 (EngineInfo:setState): Engine rwEng-0 state is: Ready
[2020/11/24 1:11:38:477] Exception 1401 (): MSG-00001: JFO1
MSG-00001: JFO2
REP-1401: 'cf_1formula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.

oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobInEngine(

[2020/11/24 1:11:38:477] Exception 1401 (): MSG-00001: JFO1
MSG-00001: JFO2
REP-1401: 'cf_1formula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.

oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobInEngine(

[2020/11/24 1:11:38:477] Debug 50103 (JobManager:runJobInEngine): Encounted exception in job 91530
[2020/11/24 1:11:38:477] Exception 1401 (): MSG-00001: JFO1
MSG-00001: JFO2
REP-1401: 'cf_1formula': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.

oracle.reports.RWException: IDL:oracle/reports/RWException:1.0
at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobInEngine(
at oracle.reports.server.

Posted 4.2 year(s) ago

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