My DataMatrix demo font print breaks-up when I try to reposition the barcode elsewhere other than flush left on page.
We would like the barcode somewhat centered at the bottom of a page, only the first row prints correctly, and the other rows are flushed to the left margin, breaking up the image.
I found the support entitled "X-Axis Issues or Left Margin Alignment Issues" which seems to directly address this issue but gives the code solution in VB.
For i = 1 To Len(Output)
out1 = out1 & Mid(Output, i, 1)
If Mid(Output, i, 1) = Chr(10) Then
out1 = Replace(out1, Chr(10), "")r> out1 = Replace(out1, Chr(13), "")
Printer.CurrentX = my_x
Printer.Print out1
out1 = ""
End If
Next i
However, we are using an RTF template with embedded XML tags/commands for Oracle's BI Publisher and our font install is java based.
I would like to know what source code to edit and if possible, give us the logic you gave for VB in Java. What class needs to be revised, what is the source code, and what and where should the equivalent Java code be placed?
Operating System:
Window 7, Unix
Peoplesoft XMLP/BI Publisher
12-05-12 11.9 year(s) ago
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