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We upgraded from idautomation.linearservercontrol.dll 2009.0 to IDAutomation.NetStandard.Linear.FontEncoder.dll 2020.0.0.0.

we have an issue with the code "Code GS1-128" barcode types, please find the scan results below.

Example 1

** The prior version generates a barcode with encoding <StartC><FNC1>00373165001144859210<Check 4><Stop>
** The new version generates a barcode with encoding <StartC><Code B>(<Code C>00<Code B>)<Code C>373165001144854574<Check 48><Stop>

Example 2

** The prior version generates a barcode with encoding <StartC><FNC1><Code B>2LBS+<Code C>48000001<Check 57><Stop>
** The new version generates a barcode with encoding <StartB>(2L)BS+<Code C>48000001<Check 45><Stop>

We had a similar issue for the "code 128" barcode type and one of my colleagues (John Clark) reached out to you and was addressed under the below thread.

01-03-24     117 day(s) ago    

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Best Answer

The server control is a very different product than what you are using so that makes sense that the size would be different. From your code, it appears you are generating an image and changing modsize to 2 creates an image that is too large. Can you try to generate the barcode with a font instead of graphics? If so, you will gain more control over the size of the symbol by changing the point size of the font. Refer to the example code at

Posted 104 day(s) ago

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Other Answers (13)
********************NEW MAJOR ISSUE***********************************
Hello IDAutomation Team,

We have a major problem in rendering the barcode output on the label, The older version of the "IDAutomation.LinearServerControl" renders the barcode wider, whereas the newer version of the "IDAutomation.NetStandard.Linear.FontEncoder" renders the barcode Narrow.
As a result of this issue, Carriers like DHL are REJECTING our SHIPPING LABELS.

Please find the two photos attached FOR THE DHL CARRIER.

1. OLD Label generated using the "IDAutomation.LinearServerControl" API
2. NEW Label generated using the "IDAutomation.NetStandard.Linear.FontEncoder" API

The difference I found between OLD vs NEW APIs is that the older one has a lot of configuration data to pass, whereas for the newer ones only we can pass a few parameters.

Please look at the OLD request.

Can you please let us know how can this problem be fixed, I mean to say fixing the barcode width. I tried setting the modsize 2 but the barcode overflow as you can see in the below image.

1. OLD Label generated using the "IDAutomation.LinearServerControl" API
2. NEW Label generated using the "IDAutomation.NetStandard.Linear.FontEncoder" API
3. NEW Label generated using Modsize set to 2 OVERFLOWS.

Data that we pass as part of the OLD API.
"SymbologyID": 2,
"CharacterGrouping": "0",
"CaptionAbove": "",
"CaptionBelow": "",
"CaptionFontAbove": "Arial, 10px",
"CaptionFontBelow": "Arial, 10px",
"CaptionTopSpace": "0.10",
"CaptionBottomSpace": "0.10",
"CaptionTopColor": "Black",
"CaptionBottomColor": "Black",
"CaptionBottomAlignment": 1,
"CaptionTopAlignment": 1,
"WhiteBarIncrease": "0",
"BearerBarHorizontal": "0",
"BearerBarVertical": "0",
"DataToEncode": "(2L)FI02600+48000001",
"CheckCharacter": true,
"IsDemo": false,
"CheckCharacterInText": false,
"PostnetHeightTall": "0.3226",
"PostnetHeightShort": "0.1270",
"PostnetSpacing": "0.066",
"LeftMarginCM": "0.000",
"TopMarginCM": "0.000",
"TextMarginCM": "0.000",
"BarHeightCM": "2.540",
"XDimensionCM": "0.0430",
"XDimensionMILS": "16.9291",
"NarrowToWideRatio": "2.0",
"RotationAngle": 0,
"UPCESystem": "1",
"SuppSeparationCM": "0.500",
"CODABARStartChar": "A",
"CODABARStopChar": "B",
"Code128Set": 0,
"ShowText": false,
"OneBitPerPixelImage": true,
"TextAbove": false,
"TextFontColor": "Black",
"ForeColor": "Black",
"ApplyTilde": true,
"ImageFileName": "",
"ImageTimeToLive": 5,
"ImageConcurrentDeletions": 5,
"ImageAutoDelete": true,
"ImageResolution": 203,
"ImageType": 1,
"AllowCustomPaths": false,
"StreamImage": true,
"ImageLocalPath": "",
"ImageRelativePath": "",
"Picture": null,
"AccessKey": "",
"Attributes": {
"Keys": [],
"Count": 0,
"CssStyle": {
"Keys": [],
"Count": 0,
"Value": null
"BackColor": "White",
"BorderColor": "",
"BorderWidth": "",
"BorderStyle": 0,
"ControlStyle": "",
"ControlStyleCreated": true,
"CssClass": "",
"Style": {
"Keys": [],
"Count": 0,
"Value": null
"Enabled": true,
"EnableTheming": true,
"Font": "Times New Roman, 10pt",
"HasAttributes": false,
"Height": "",
"SupportsDisabledAttribute": true,
"SkinID": "",
"TabIndex": 0,
"ToolTip": "",
"Width": "",
"ClientIDMode": 0,
"ClientID": "",
"ID": null,
"EnableViewState": true,
"ViewStateMode": 0,
"NamingContainer": null,
"BindingContainer": null,
"DataItemContainer": null,
"DataKeysContainer": null,
"Page": null,
"RenderingCompatibility": {
"Major": 4,
"Minor": 0,
"Build": -1,
"Revision": -1,
"MajorRevision": -1,
"MinorRevision": -1
"TemplateControl": null,
"Parent": null,
"TemplateSourceDirectory": "",
"AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory": "",
"Site": null,
"Visible": true,
"UniqueID": null,
"Controls": [],
"ValidateRequestMode": 0


Posted 104 day(s) ago

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When using .NET standard you can use the ModuleSize parameter.
Refer to
scroll down and find examples depending on how you generate the image. You can also open the sample project included in the package to see how it works.

Posted 111 day(s) ago

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Hello Team, The earlier issue related to the barcode has been fixed from our side that's because we forgot to pass set the ApplyTilde Paramter to true in the API, but now we have another issue related to the "X dimension", the barcode appears narrow when rendered on the label, In the old code we have a field to pass the XDimension but in the new API can you please tell us how to pass this value or how to widen the barcode.

Please refer to the below thread for more information.

Posted 111 day(s) ago

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Hello, We addressed the barcode issue, but now we are seeing different issues. In the old API, There is a field to set Xdimension but in the new code / API, we don't see any field to pass that Xdimension can you please help us with that?


Posted 112 day(s) ago

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Can you tell us in detail what issues you are experiencing with the new DLL; we are not seeing any issues in our testing.

Posted 112 day(s) ago

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We used the latest DLL that was shared and we're not seeing any issues for the barcode type "code 128", whereas we see issues with especially the "GS1-128" barcode types.

Bring Label Barcode Data

DHL label barcode data

Posted 116 day(s) ago

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Please double-check to make sure you are using the latest version, this appears to be the older version of the DLL. I tried (00)373165001139874273 in the new version and it is working correctly. I need to be able to reproduce the issue to find a solution. Can you tell me specifically what data to enter in the BarcodeGenerationExample.exe project that is provided with the new release to reproduce the error?

Posted 116 day(s) ago

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This is the barcode data that we are passing to generate the barcode, when the labels are graded we don't see the expected results.

Bring label barcode data below

DHL label barcode data below.

Also, I've attached the labels in the below conversation. image image

Posted 116 day(s) ago

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I need to be able to reproduce the issue to find a solution. Can you tell me specifically what data to enter in the BarcodeGenerationExample.exe project that is provided with the new release to reproduce the error? We used ~20200373165001144859210 for testing and it is working correctly.

Posted 116 day(s) ago

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We're using the same Latest "IDAutomation.NetStandard.Linear.FontEncoder.dll" to generate the barcode, but when scanned giving incorrect results. Please find the label attachments where you can find the issue when grading. (After ID Automation Fix - Bring.png) image image

Note: These labels were scanned fine with the initial DLL but after you code fix for "code 128" label issues, this stopped working fine.

Example 1

** The prior version generates a barcode with encoding <StartC><FNC1>00373165001144859210<Check 4><Stop>
** The new version generates a barcode with encoding <StartC><Code B>(<Code C>00<Code B>)<Code C>373165001144854574<Check 48><Stop>

Example 2

** The prior version generates a barcode with encoding <StartC><FNC1><Code B>2LBS+<Code C>48000001<Check 57><Stop>
** The new version generates a barcode with encoding <StartB>(2L)BS+<Code C>48000001<Check 45><Stop>

Also is there any way can we connect on the call that would be great as we are planning to push this to production sometime next week?

Posted 116 day(s) ago

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The latest C# version shared with you on Thursday, Dec 28, 2023, is the corrected version. I cannot reproduce the issue with this version. Can you see if the issue still exists with the IDAutomation_Dotnet_1D_StandardBarcodeGenerationExample C#.NETbinReleasesignedBarcodeGenerationExample.exe project? We used ~20200373165001144859210 for testing.

Posted 117 day(s) ago

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We don't have access to the below link. (This was created by my colleague but he is out of the office).

But we are using the latest C# version that was shared with us on Dec 28, 2023 Thursday and we still see the problem.
Please find the attachment of the DLL file version that we are using.
The issue is with the "GS1-128 Barcode type not Code 128 "

Posted 117 day(s) ago

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I have tested the latest version, available in this private support incident and available for download in the store. I do not believe the problem exists in the latest version. Can you please download that version and test it? Also, what product are you using to view the code set changes? This could help us with testing.

Posted 117 day(s) ago

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