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Creating UPC-E Barcode 162807 generates 162874 barcode.. help

Been using this barcode label software with no problems so far. Today, creating UPC-E Barcode 162807 generates 162874 barcodes.

If I create a UPC-E Barcode 162800 it generates a 162800 barcode. (which is correct) .

I see it creating a problem with 162805, 162806, and 162807 (however 162803 and 162804 work just fine).

Thank you in advance for the help.


Operating System: Windows XP

Application: ID Automation Version 2010.0425

03-05-13     11.9 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

The only way to find the value of UPCe using the Label Software is to use its UPCa value. If your UPCa value is 01628000007 and you convert it to UPCe, it will be 162874.

You may verify this with our software:

as well as the other company's software:

Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (9)
So I guess we go back to the original question, can the IDAutomation software create a UPCe label of 162807 or not?

If it can, please show me an example proving that it can be done.

If it cannot, I need to know so we can purchase a different software.

Thank you for your help.


Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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As mentioned in the previous post, most products do not calculate check digits for short UPCe. This does not mean that there are no products available that can calculate a UPCe check digit based on short UPCe data, it is just not very common. The software returns your value to UPCa to encode it for UPCe as it was only designed to encode an 11-digit UPCa value to produce UPCe.

Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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Hi Ben,

I disagree with you because I was able to create a UPCe on this website and use it for production since we cannot create it through IDAutomation Label Software. See the image below:




Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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The only way you can create the UPCe is if you use the UPCa number and choose UPCe in the Symbology option under the Encoding tab.

There are not too many products available that will allow you to enter the short UPCe for every value.

UPCe takes in 11 UPCa digits to generate it.

Even the link you have attached works the same way:



There is also no option in that software to take short UPCe and generate UPCe with a check digit.

Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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The point is, I need to create a UPCe barcode of 162807 using the software we have purchased. Please show me an example of how to achieve that.

Is the IDAutomation barcode software unable to produce the UPCe barcode 162807 that I need?



Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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This did not work for the UPCe number 162807

I went to another barcode website to generate the UPCa number from the UPCe and got this:

UPCe 162807 converted to UPCa 01628000007

I tried putting that standard value into the label software and I get a UPCe barcode of 162874, not 162807.

Can you please try to give me an example using the UPCe barcode 162807 that I need?

Other information from my tests:

Typed In === Shown Barcode Using Software
162800 === 0 162800 7 -- Correct
162801 === 0 162801 6 -- Correct
162802 === 0 162802 5 -- Correct
162803 === 0 160802 1 -- Incorrect
162804 === 0 162804 5 -- Incorrect
162805 === 0 162854 0 -- Incorrect
162806 === 0 162864 7 -- Incorrect
162807 === 0 162874 4 -- Incorrect
162808 === 0 162884 1 -- Incorrect
162809 === 0 162894 8 -- Incorrect

01628000074 === 0 162844 6 -- Incorrect
016280000744 === 0 162844 6 -- Incorrect
016280000074 === 0 162874 4 -- Incorrect
01628000007 === 0 162874 4 -- Incorrect



Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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To generate UPCe, it must take in 11 UPCa digits as the Barcode Label Software does not handle short form UPCe.

Here is an example that uses Standard data that encodes UPCe using 11 digits (based on UPCa):

With the exception of our VBA encoder for fonts, all IDAutomation products must use 11 digits to generate the UPCe.

Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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I am just using the software, nothing else. I ended up having to use an online barcode generator from somewhere else and used a .docx template for the labels.

I still would like to print using the software though.

Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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I see that you are using the Barcode Label Software. Are you
linking external data from a database, Excel file, or CSV?

Posted 11.9 year(s) ago

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