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Data Matrix barcode Not Filling in Fields Properly

My company has been using the DEMO version of ID Automation's Barcode Label Software Pro and we want to purchase it but we're having trouble with the Data Matrix barcodes we're creating with it.
We don't know if it's the software or the scan gun (SC7-USB-2D) we're using. Here is the problem.

I've attached a barcode created with ID Automation's Barcode Label Software Pro and a screenshot of how it populates the fields. (you'll notice it skips the Zip Code field and fills in the Phone Number field with both the Zip Code and Phone Number)

I decided to cut n' paste the exact same information into ID Automation's Free Data Matrix ECC200 Image Creator to create the same Data Matrix barcode. I've attached that barcode and a screenshot of the fields populated exactly as they should.

Why does the Data Matrix created by the free online generator work and not the Data Matrix barcode created by the Demo software?

Any help would be greatly appreciated and we're willing to purchase whatever software it takes to make these fields populate correctly.

Thank you.

Operating System: Windows 7

Data Matrix created by Barcode Label Software
Photo Details
Title: Data Matrix created by Barcode Label Software
Incorrectly populated fields
Photo Details
Title: Incorrectly populated fields
Data Matrix created by free generator
Photo Details
Title: Data Matrix created by free generator
Correctly populated fields
Photo Details
Title: Correctly populated fields

08-13-16     8.4 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

While we cannot troubleshoot your specific implementation, what I can say is that I have scanned both barcodes and they contain the exact same data (this is how both scans in the Free ASCII Decoder with lower-ASCII enabled on the SC7-USB scanner):

<HT><HT><HT> <HT><HT>ABC APARTMENTS<HT><HT>887 MAIN ST.<HT><HT>ATLANTA<HT>g<HT>30302<HT>770-555-5555<HT>

The general recommendation is to match the various properties/settings of the barcode at issue with the barcode that does what you want, as a matter of trial-and-error, documenting the process (for repeatability) on the way.

Posted 8.4 year(s) ago

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The barcodes are correctly encoded, so the software is functioning properly. The issue here is its specific use, which is why I have made the previous recommendations to reach the stated goal.

Posted 8.4 year(s) ago

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Hi James!

Thank you for responding to my inquiry.

I've been working on this barcode issue for a few months now and after numerous trials and errors, I finally decided to post here on the forum for a solution.

I will be purchasing a copy of the Barcode Label Software Pro version in hopes that it will function properly and give me the results I so desperately need.

Posted 8.4 year(s) ago

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