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E-13B/MICR Fonts failing cheque clearing tests - help needed

In 2008, we purchased the MICR/E13B Font Advantage Pack.

One of the clearing companies has recently updated their testing software which has resulted in several failures, mainly in the character dimensions. The general issue is the height of the characters – ranging from 0.04 to 0.08 too high.

We are currently using the MICR (True Type) font, version number 6.08.2006. My understanding is this font was compatible with ISO 1004: 1995 which has since been replaced with ISO_1004-1_2013. It says it has also been tested with a UNISYS DP500 – we know the testing company (IPSL, owned by Unisys) is now using QCX.

Can you help me with the following questions?

· Should the 6.08 2006 version be compatible with ISO_1004-1_2013?
· What is your latest version of the E-13B/MICR font?
· How has this changed from the 6.08.2006 version?
· Is the latest version compatible with ISO_1004-1_2013?
· There are multiple variations of the MICR font in the pack we have. However the variations seem to be focussed on intensity and width, our tests are failing on height. Do you have any recommendations?

I attach snapshots of the reports we have returned.




10-14-19     5.4 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

The QCX test results in this incident show the MICR font being printed too tall or wide. All printers will print slightly differently and that is why all IDAutomation MICR Fonts are provided in several varieties to accommodate for this. In this case, where the font tests show characters too wide or too bold, the lighter versions of the font IDAutomationMICRL (Light) and IDAutomationMICRXL (Extra Light) solved the problem.
Additionally, this customer was using a version of the MICR font from 2008. The MICR fonts were all updated in 2015 to print more precisely on modern printers. It is highly recommended that all customers update the font with the Level 2 Support and Upgrade Subscription.

Posted 5.2 year(s) ago

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If you were using the standard font, IDAutomationMICR, then I recommend you try IDAutomationMICRL and if that fails then try IDAutomationMICRXL. These lighter fonts will not be as tall.

Posted 5.3 year(s) ago

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Good afternoon.

Since I raised this issue, we have downloaded the demo version of the latest (2015) font pack as recommended.

We have sent samples to IPSL/Uniysis, who have returned results that are still failing the tests. In most cases (see attached reports) the characters are too high.

We need to be able to bring the characters into the 'allowable ranges'.

Before we purchase the production pack, could you please review the attached results and advise why your font might be failing?

Posted 5.3 year(s) ago

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Our customers are using a wide variety of MICR printers (e.g. Troy M602/M605/M608). We cannot substitute these printers, although we have been trying different firmware versions. We have had some success 'substituting' the font with a MICR installed on the printer, but we're not convinced this is the best approach. We are relatively confident in the positioning of the MICR line, the reports we have had back (samples provided) indicate it is the dimensions of the font itself.

Posted 5.4 year(s) ago

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