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IDAutomation.NETAssembly.FontEncoder is not defined

Using Visual Studio 2010 to create SSRS report using the .NET Forms Control.

2019 Update: IDAutomation now offers the (SSRS Native Barcode Generator) which stays embedded in the report and runs locally without any Forms Controls, DLLs, references or config files.

12-01-14     10.1 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Verify that you are using the Forms Control SSRS solution and not the .NET Assembly Font Encoder SSRS solution.

There is a slightly different setup process.

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (8)
What barcode type are you attempting to create? Code 128?

Verify the formatting looks exactly like the code in the tutorial. You may need to adjust it so that it looks exactly like it (as far as formatting) Sometimes when part of the code appears on another line an error may occur. If you can screenshot the code, I might be able to tell what is going wrong.

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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For that error, I have this :

Source: Database
Value: code.GetLinear(Fields!Name.value)
MIMEType: image/jpeg
BackgroundRepeat: Clip

If I replace the value with this :
=code.GetLinear(Fields!Name.Value, "DataSet1")

I get the error :

There is an error on line 3 of Custom Code [BC30456] 'Symbologies' is not a member of 'IDAutomation.Windows.Forms.LinearBarCode.Barcode

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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No problem Mike.

Can you provide a screenshot of your BackgroundImage settings?

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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Ben sorry about that, I meant to type that as a separate answer - I found the correct setup and have tried it.

Am getting this error now though: The BackgroundImageValue for the text box 'Name' has a constant value. BackgroundImageValue requires a binary value, so it cannot be a constant.

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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Within the Forms Control SSRS solution tutorial, I do not see any reference to the IDAutomation.NETAssembly.dll except for a KB article near the bottom of the page. This tutorial link explains how to use the .NET Forms Controls directly in SSRS.

.NET Forms Controls:
(linear barcodes including Code 128, Code 39, and IMB).






(databar barcodes including Limited, Stacked, and Expanded).

Step 7 of the tutorial explains how to import three assemblies as well as set an instance name.

There is no mention of the IDAutomation.NETAssembly.dll.

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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Ok found the setup for the forms control let me try that now. Thanks!

ok went back through and the directions for setup for SSRS say to use the idautomation.netassembly dll I do not see that in what we purchased under the linear barcode section.

Is there another setup on your website to install what we purchased for use in SSRS using Visual Studio 2010 or 2012?

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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ok yes, I was referencing that under step 22 of the SSRS setup. Removed it and got rid of that error.

Now am getting The definition of the report as invalid. The value expression for the textrun "' contains an error. Code is not declared It may be inaccessible due to its protection level

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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Based on your information, your company owns the 1D, 2D, and Databar Forms Control. The Linear Forms control dll is named idautomation.linearbarcode.dll. However, based on your error message, the issue is a reference to the IDAutomation.NetAssembly.dll which is an unrelated dll.

Verify that there are no references to the IDAutomation.NETAssembly.dll (as it is a font encoder for the font). Is it possible that you might have been using this file during testing?

IDAutomation DLL List

Posted 10.1 year(s) ago

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