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Info - A generic error occurred in GDI+

I have noticed at least two questions here about this error using a barcode control with Windows Forms - neither answer I've seen provides much info.

A few years ago, I encountered this same problem. In my case, I was generating a print job via GDI+ alongside PLC communications, whereby a PLC essentially commanded a Winforms app to print. The system worked on a 32-bit XP Dev Box but had this error at the install site after running for a while. What I found was that the 64-bit Windows Server had been loaded instead of the 32-bit, not what I had recommended.

After 700 to 900 print jobs had been generated, this error would be thrown. I proceeded to test 10k print jobs (successfully, if only to a bogus printer) on my dev box before I was told this was a 64-bit box.

The OPC code used to talk to the PLCs used a 32-bit wrapper, and the application was compiled as x86, 32-bit. I ended up building a separate 64-bit app just for printing, compiled as x64, and this caused no issues and was the solution to my problem. If I switched this application to a 32-bit compile, it would again fail at 600 to 900 print jobs.

Compile to x64, no problem. Compile to x86, generic error in GDI+.

I could reproduce the problem on any 64-bit machine I tried.

The problem as I see it relates to 32-bit GDI+ calls on an x64 box - a Microsoft problem. Being that a large number of operations is necessary to trigger, Microsoft likely never bothered to test backward compatibility from x64 to x32 to that extent. At the time, I pointed out to my superiors that MS would likely never fix this issue.

Since then, I have seen this on Win7, so the problem seems to persist.

Operating System: Windows x86 x64

Application: .Net WinForms

03-24-15     9.8 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

Thank you, Paul,

I have noticed at least two questions here about this error using a barcode control with Windows Forms - neither answer I've seen provides much info.

A few years ago, I encountered this same problem. In my case, I was generating a print job via GDI+ alongside PLC communications, whereby a PLC essentially commanded a Winforms app to print. The system worked on a 32-bit XP Dev Box but had this error at the install site after running for a while. What I found was that the 64-bit Windows Server had been loaded instead of the 32-bit, not what I had recommended.

After 700 to 900 print jobs had been generated, this error would be thrown. I proceeded to test 10k print jobs (successfully, if only to a bogus printer) on my dev box before I was told this was a 64-bit box.

The OPC code used to talk to the PLCs used a 32-bit wrapper, and the application was compiled as x86, 32-bit. I ended up building a separate 64-bit app just for printing, compiled as x64, and this caused no issues and was the solution to my problem. If I switched this application to a 32-bit compile, it would again fail at 600 to 900 print jobs.

Compile to x64, no problem. Compile to x86, generic error in GDI+.

I could reproduce the problem on any 64-bit machine I tried.

The problem as I see it relates to 32-bit GDI+ calls on an x64 box - a Microsoft problem. Being that a large number of operations is necessary to trigger, Microsoft likely never bothered to test backward compatibility from x64 to x32 to that extent. At the time, I pointed out to my superiors that MS would likely never fix this issue.

Since then, I have seen this on Win7, so the problem seems to persist.

Posted 9.8 year(s) ago

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