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How can we provide an image to overlay on QR code.

We use the C++ version of ID automation software to create QR codes. Now We need to place a Swiss cross on top of a QR code that complies with the Swiss QR code specification. How can we provide an image to the QR code API to place an image in the middle of the QR code?

We create a PDF output using our software and use ID automation to create a QR code.


Operating System: Windows

Application: PDF output

07-17-19     5.5 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

IDAutomation offers the Center Override method that can generate symbols in the center of the QR Code without the need to overlay an image on top of the already generated QR Code. This update will be included in the 2020 QR-Code release updates, including the QR Code Font and Encoder. To obtain this update before the final release, (1) open a private support question, (2) include your order ID and (3) specify the exact component you need it for. Some components, such as compiled DLLs will take longer to provide, while others such as VBA or JavaScript code, can be provided within a few business days.

IDAutomation does not currently provide any other method to overlay images within 2D symbols. If that is necessary, I recommend implementing a process that can overlay the image after it is generated.

Posted 5.5 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (2)
I believe the header fields and all other data are encoded directly and separated with the <LF> function.
To encode the LF function, enable ProcessTilde and use ~d010 for the LF.
For example, the data in the symbol on page 10 of the specification scans as:
SPC<LF>0200<LF>1<LF>CH5800791123000889012<LF>S<LF>Robert Schneider AG<LF>Rue du Lac<LF>1268<LF>2501<LF>Biel<LF>CH<LF><LF><LF><LF><LF><LF><LF><LF>3949.75<LF>CHF<LF>S<LF>Pia Rutschmann<LF>Marktgasse<LF>28<LF>9400<LF>Rorschach<LF>CH<LF>NON<LF><LF>Bill no. 3139 for gardening work and disposal of waste material<LF>EPD<ETX><CR>

Posted 5.5 year(s) ago

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Thank you Brant for the reply. How can we add Swiss header fields to the QR code? What fields do we need to set?

Right now we set ErrorCorrectionLevel, Encoding mode, Version, etc. The following fields from Swiss specification are different and where do they need to be set? Or do they just go as part of the data?

The specification is here: (see table 7 in section 4.3.3)

The header parts are listed below that the specification talks about. Where should we set them when calling the API? We are using a C++ ID automation package.

QR Elements Swiss QR Definition
Data Structure Element Name St. General Definition Field Definition

Header Header
Header Data. Contains basic information about the Swiss QR
Mandatory data group
QRType M QRType
Unambiguous indicator for the Swiss QR Code. Fixed value
"SPC" (Swiss Payments Code)
Fixed length: three-digit, alphanumeric
Version M Version
Contains the version of the specifications (Implementation
Guidelines) in use on the date on which the Swiss QR Code
was created. The first two positions indicate the main
version, the following two positions the sub-version. Fixed
value of "0200” for Version 2.0
Fixed length: four-digit, numeric
Coding M Coding Type
Character set code. Fixed value 1 (indicates UTF-8 restricted
to the Latin character set)
Fixed length: one-digit, numeric

Posted 5.5 year(s) ago

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