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Forcing a Rectangular DataMatrix Barcode

I am creating a C#.Net application that needs to print barcodes using the Data Matrix Font Package. To print, I use the DataMatrix .Net Assembly to encode the string I want to write and add the resulting encoded text to a .Net FixedDocument.

Everything works fine as long as I want a square barcode. However, if I need to print a rectangular barcode, I cannot get this to work. If I make the string I am printing longer, the barcode simply gets bigger (but still square). I have tried several values of the .Net Assembly’s PreferredFormats property, but this does not seem to make a difference. No matter which value I choose, I still get a square barcode.

Is there any way to force a rectangular barcode to print?

Operating System: Windows

Application: Visual Studio

04-29-16     8.6 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

[Support Note: In the following answer, the data has additional formatting (Carriage Returns) to fit the width of the page.]

Using the DataMatrix .Net Assembly*, here is an example of testing the data and how it works correctly at the 16 X 48 format (which conforms to spec and cannot be changed):


DataToEncode (at the tested limit):

Barcode (at the tested limit):

DataToEncode (at tested limit + 1 character):

Barcode (at tested limit + 1 character):

*Function: FontEncode(DataToEncode, ProcessTilde, EncodingModes, PreferredFormats)

Settings used for the above barcodes:
DataToEncode = Specified above
ProcessTilde = True (the use of False does not affect issue)
• EncodingModes = ASCII (EncodingModes.Ascii)
• PreferredFormats = C16X48 (PreferredFormats.C16X48)

For other data types, such as alphanumeric (numbers, letters, and symbols) or binary (1’s and 0’s), change the DataToEncode. If an Encoding Mode is changed - retest the desired data type.

Posted 8.6 year(s) ago

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Other Answers (2)
As suggested, I have tried various types and lengths of data to try to force a rectangular shape. But no matter what I try, the size changes, but it is always a square barcode.

I am using this source code in my project (the textBlockDecodedString visual control is configured to use the Data Matrix font):

var encoder = new DataMatrixBarcode();
textBlockDecodedString.Text = encoder.FontEncode(textBoxStringToPrint.Text, true, DataMatrixBarcode.EncodingModes.Ascii, DataMatrixBarcode.PreferredFormats.C16X48);

What data string can I enter to get a rectangular barcode to show up?

Posted 8.6 year(s) ago

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Each respective barcode symbology has set parameters defined by the specifications. These specifications not only give the symbology its characteristics but also define the barcode’s capabilities. IDAutomation creates products that conform to a respective symbology’s specification for maximum compatibility.

DataMatrix can produce rectangular forms (Format numbers 24-29), but it comes at the price of a reduced data capacity*. If this data capacity is exceeded, the specification mandates the nearest approximation must be forced to maintain data integrity. What this means to the user is that if they exceed the data limit, the encoding function automatically selects the next (most-efficient) 'Preferred' Format. This behavior cannot be overridden.

*To simplify the process, we recommend that the user does not preoccupy themselves with the definitions of Numeric, Alphanumeric, or Binary capacities. Instead, directly test each Format’s limits by feeding the encoder function various types and lengths of data to see where the boundaries are. Once those are determined for the data, then the user knows how big the data can be before the ‘rectangular shape’ defaults back to the next highest ‘square shape.’

Posted 8.6 year(s) ago

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