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Trying to create a barcode from 205202421124LBH2B9

I am trying to create a barcode from 205202421124LBH2B9. It scans correctly on my end, but when I send the label out for evaluation the report shows that the 2 becomes an F. Any idea what the issue might be? Your response will be most appreciated.

05-02-12     12.7 year(s) ago    

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Sorry, it took a while to get back. I was finally able to fix the problem. I had my browser set to "shrink to fit". Once I changed to "100%" the label passed. Apparently, the "Shrink to fit" setting was messing with the dimensions.

Thanks for your help.

Much appreciated!

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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Can you send me a link to the page you are referring to?

Posted 12.6 year(s) ago

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I just got a response. Per my previous comment, I increased the x-dimension from 0.065 to 0.068. The report comes back with a little increase, from 0.0170 to 0.0173. I ran into a page on your website where I saw something about using the resolution to stretch the barcode (using the pixels). There's a formula there. I'm going to try that out, send another test and let you know what happens.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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Sounds good, I will await your response.

I just ran another test using the value ~200~202421124L4H2B9 and I still can not recreate the error.
Click the link below to see the barcode that was created.

The human-readable displays correctly and the scanned data is correct as well.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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This is what I'm trying to encode. There was a little typo before: ~205~202421124L4H2B9.

So when I scan without the ~200, it scans correctly but when the switch character for Codeset B is in there, it scans with a "(".
This is what the human-readable looks like for both instances:

with ~200: (421) 124 L4H2B9
without ~200: (421) 124L4H2B9

Notice the space that gets included when the switch character is used.

I sent both versions to a company - ScanRight - for review. The first one (without ~200) came out fine on the report except that the "2" in L4H2B9 turned into an "F" which was why I attempted switching manually using ~200. This resulted in the "(" so there is no way it would even pass the review.

I read about the 0.03 increment on your website. The thing is when I move from 0.065 straight to 0.09, the change is so enormous. The quiet zones became too small. So I kept reducing the value until it finally had just the right amount of space. Now it's at 0.067 which isn't too far from the initial value. The requirement for the company we need this done for is 20Mil. I just sent a new test with this value and have my fingers crossed.

Thank you for your help so far. If you come up with anything please let me know. I will post again when the result from the review comes in.

Thanks again.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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Thank you for the descriptive response, that is always helpful.

It sounds like the ASP.Net server control is being used. I have not been able to recreate any of the encoding errors you are experiencing. The original value ~205~202421124LBH2B9 and the ~200LBH2B9 value scanned as expected.
Is the "(" character only showing in the scanned data or is it also showing in the human-readable data underneath?

Regarding the X dimension, it sounds like it is set to 0.065 centimeters, which is OK. This is about 17 MILS which are measured in thousandths of an inch. Since the barcode is shown as an image there is a limitation on the values that the X dimension can be set to before a change will occur. Changes will occur in increments of 0.03, and values in between will get rounded to the nearest pixel.

Here is a link to our free online barcode generator that I used to test the values with.
This uses the same ASP.Net server control to generate the barcode image.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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Yes, I'm trying to create a Code 128 barcode.

I'm not sure what product it is, but I can describe the process. It is web-based, and we use ASP. The barcode on the ASP page is an object with different attributes to set. I have the code I'm trying to encode in "DataToEncode." I have the character set parameter as "auto." I have also tried manually switching to "code b" while having the character set at "auto." It seems to scan correctly, except that a "(" appears at the point where I switch code sets. I have ~200L4H2B9 and get "(L4H2B9". I hope that helps. Also, I am sending the label with the barcode as a PDF. Could this be an issue? There have also been complaints about the x-dimension. I have changed the value to the point where I even noticed the change, still, I get the same value when the report shows up as though I didn't do anything. The aim is 0.020 (20MIL), but I'm told what I have is 0.017(17MIL). The parameter value on the ASP page is currently 0.065 (I'm not sure what the unit is; could you help with this too?) I'd like to know what the unit on the ASP page is.

Sorry for the length of the note. I was trying to be as descriptive as possible.

Thank you for your earlier response; it was quick.

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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Thank you for the clarification,

Can you please let me know which product you are using to create the barcode?

I assume that you are trying to create a Code 128 barcode, is that correct?

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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To make this clearer: The 2 that changes is the one in "LBH2B9"

Posted 12.7 year(s) ago

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