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adding more 2 or more datastreams to PDF417

trying to add 2 or more fields to PDF417 and the results do not show start or end bars

Operating System: windows 10

Application: Crystal Reports

01-22-19     6.1 year(s) ago    

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Best Answer

I see the issue now. somehow the formula was corrupt. Copy and paste the new formula I emailed you into your report; be sure to remove the old formula first.

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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I can get the barcode to print, but I cannot get it to scan using several different known good scanners. these scanners have successfully scanned other PDF417 barcodes. Change the code to match the your data string. Printed and tried to scan it.

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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I found your attachment. After modifying the code (see below) I was able to generate the barcode. I used static data "YourData" for the fields. You will not be able to scan the barcode from the screen, you have to print it. Also, the barcode field appears too small to print the barcode properly, so you have to make that larger. Make sure that ColumnSpecify is an integer.

GHSP = "[)" +RS+ "02"+GS+ "YourData"+GS+"YourData"+GS+"YourData"+GS+"YourData"+GS+"YourData"
DataToEncode = GHSP
'Modify the next lines to change the parameters; defaults = 0
EccLevel = 3
ColumnSpecify = 3

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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Can you attach your report in an email and send it to us; choose the email support button from this page:
and we will take a look at it.

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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I have solved the image to look correct, however with a know good 2d scanner, I cannot scan these images.
I have entered data manually (hard coded), so no data stream.

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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It appears something is wrong with the font or field. I recommend starting over with the Crystal Reports Barcode Tutorial, and pay close attention to step 9.

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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tried changing the size to larger and smaller still the same

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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Did you try increasing the size of the field containing the barcode so it has enough room to display? If yes and you still have the issue, can you upload a screenshot?

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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the image is missing the start and end and looks more stretched out and more spaced on the right side.
changed the rs and gs to the suggested and did not change the output

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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It appears that RS and GS are set to the incorrect type of data. If you are creating ISO/IEC 15434 Barcodes, refer to that tutorial about how to encode the data. RS is usually set to Chr(03) and GS is usually Chr(29) If the symbol is being truncated or if it looks distorted, try increasing the size of the field containing the barcode so it has enough room to display.

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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Dim GHSP As String
Dim GS As String
Dim RS As String
GS = chr(1)
RS = chr(2)

DataToEncode = GHSP

This is the code I am using. Is this correct in format? Very new to this.

Posted 6.1 year(s) ago

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